chapter 65

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Joshua's POV

I don't know what is happening to me but i seem to be falling deeper and deeper for seungcheol everyday like his smile just brightens my whole day i wanna confess to him but i don't think he feels the same for me i mean we don't even know each other properly maybe i should try to get closer to him and maybe then he will notice me and who knows maybe he likes me too. Another thing is that i think one of my friends jihoon kinda likes him too like when i get to close to seungcheol he always gives me death glares and he speaks so harshly. So i think he may be getting jealous as he likes seungcheol or he is a very overprotective friend I'm not sure. I think i should ask him first like i don't want to be stealing someone's man coz that's just rude.

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