Chapter 97

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Soon enough it was time for them to go home, and although neither of them wanted to let go of each other they knew they had to. Reluctantly, they both started to pack up their stuff. Jeonghan collecting all the empty wrappers from the snacks that they had earlier on whilst Joshua folded the blankets that they used to either lay on or cover their selves with so that they wouldn't get cold. It was after all one of those cold wintery nights and Jeonghan, being the one who gets cold quickly, started whining about how cold he was and wanted to get home as soon as possible. But, however as soon as he looked at the boy in front of him, all of his complaints came to a stop. The boy in front of him was starting at Jeonghan as if he was his world, eyes glistening with love as he started at Jeonghan who was staring back at him with doe eyes. Jeonghan felt his self blushing furiously as he realized, Joshua was just staring at him the entire time whilst he was acting like a child and whining about how cold it was. As they both started into each others eyes, Jeonghan noticed how Joshua looked so ethereal with the moonlight shining onto his skin, making his heart do a couple flips. Joshua looked so much mature and muscular than he used to look. His brown, shiny eyes stayed the same. However, the innocent look in them had changed into a more mischievous kinda look. Jeonghan would be lying if he said he didn't find Joshua glow up more attractive as it made the latter look hotter.

"shua" Jeonghan whispered as he slowly walked over to Joshua before slinging his hands onto Joshua neck leaning in to give the other a short passionate kiss

"hmm" he hummed into the kiss, making Jeonghan smile at the ticklish feeling

"how about we take a few photos. The moon looks very pretty tonight" Jeonghan quietly spoke as he nuzzled his head against Joshua's neck. He knew that Joshua only had two days to spend with him before he would have to go back and Jeonghan wanted to make as much memories as possible

"that would be lovely" Joshua smiled but he knew that there was something Jeonghan wasn't telling him, he could guess that it was because he was leaving in two days but he wasn't so sure but since it looked like Jeonghan didn't want to talk about that he decided to not bring that up

 They took so many photos that Joshua was sure that his camera role was gonna be so full once he got home. They took some cute photos and some goofy photos. But, they both agreed that their favorite photo was where they are both doing half a heart, Jeonghan is holding the camera whilst Joshuas arm is secured around Jeonghans waist, that was what the photo was supposed to look like until at the last second Joshua placed a kiss onto Jeonghans cheek making him flustered. Joshua decided to change his wallpaper to that picture while Jeonghan changed his to a picture where they both are doing a goofy face. 

After their mini photo shoot they both decided to leave, hopping onto the motorbike and started their long journey through the cold, windy night. They both enjoyed the cold air but Joshua could still hear the chatter of Jeonghans teeth as they kept trembling because of the cold. Joshua decided to have a quick pit stop to grab a packet of crisps as he walked back to the motorbike, Joshua grabbed a blanket from the backpack, which was on Jeonghans back, and  carefully wrapped it around Jeonghans back before hopping onto the motorbike again 

"thanks Joshuji" Jeonghan said as he held the blankets end in his hand and wrapped his hands around Joshuas waist, tying to warm him up

The whole ride from then was the same as before, silent and calm. No one said a word as they silently enjoyed each others company. Once, they had reached Jeonghans house, Jeonghan reluctantly of and turned to Joshua who was staring back at him while the moon light shone above him

"well then, I'll go now. Thank you for today I really enjoyed going back to that place. I'm glad that you decided to share it with me shua" Jeonghan said as he jumped into Joshuas arms catching him off guard

"oof careful hannie" Joshua said as he tried to hold the motorbike steady whilst hugging Jeonghan back "I'm glad that you enjoyed it, i did too. Ever moment i spend with you feels like a dream, i never want it to end. Hannie I'm glad that i shared it with you. I lov-"  

"OII YOU HAVE 39 SECONDS TO LET GO OF MR PRETTY BOY AND GET INSIDE THE HOUSE" Jeonghans mum yelled ruining their moment

"I'm sorry shua, she's a bit crazy" Jeonghan laughed at the hocked Joshua



"well you should go then han" Joshua laughed

"alright then...I'll ..see you tomorrow 

"yeah sure. We have school tomorrow anyways so I'll pick you up. Motorbike or shall we walk?"


"motorbike!" Jeonghan jumped

"well then bye han"

"bye shua" Jeonghan said quickly pecking his lips, when he thought his mum wasn't looking, before quickly running into the house

"you better take good care of my son Mr pretty boy" Jeonghans mum yelled as Joshua started to drive away looking back and yelling

"will do Mrs Yoon" Joshua yelled as he drove away

"mum" Jeonghan whined as his mum laughed at him

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