Chapter 79

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To Joshuji

Heyyy Shuaa how are you? I was so nervous about meeting you and I'm glad that you were happy that you know angel turned out to be me. To be honest at first I thought that you were gonna be really angry and probably even feel betrayed but you didn't and I'm glad you weren't because that would of just been awkward and sad I don't think I would be able to deal with the fact that you would hate me it would probably haunt me for the rest of my life up until I end up digging my own grave because of how guilty I feel. I had to do a lot of thinking but I'm glad that I chose to go and didn't keep you waiting. I don't know why but this just feels weird coz you already know who I am but I'm just gonna pretend you dont and just say what I normally say just know that you are always loved by me and everyone else in the world 

Yours sincerely 


(I'm still gonna call myself angel coz why not)

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