Chapter 90

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As soon as I heard those words leave Joshua's mouth I felt as if I couldn't breathe. I felt as if everything around me was disappearing as I stared stared at him in shock.

"Wait what why?" I questioned as I tightly held his soft, delicate arms. Gazing into his eyes looking for an answer

"My parents both found a suitable job in America and they didn't want to leave me here so they are taking me along with them. But don't worry I still have a couple of months left asI'll be leaving after high school is over" he explained

I felt a tiny bit of relief wave over me as we will be able to spend time together before he as to go "Shua will you ever be coming back?"

"I'll try Hannie" he said smiling softly before squashing me into a tight hug

"Joshuji I cant breathe" I gasped as I was being squashed to death by a big bear

"Oh sorry han" he said as he placed a soft butterfly like kiss on my lips making me blush crimson red.

Feeling confident I pinned Joshua onto the wall of someone's house catching him of guard as I planted a soft kiss on his lips making him huff. In an instant he flipped us over pinning my hands onto the wall and roughly captured my lips like a like a tiger claiming its prey. The kiss was full of passion as he slipped his tongue into my mouth exploring my cavern. Panting as we broke the kiss with saliva stringing together.

"Umm Heeseung Hyung there are a bunch of people making out on the wall of our house" a voice says ruining the moment making us quickly latch away from each other and awkwardly turn towards the owners of the voice who looked just as awkward as we were. The guy who had saw us first had jet black hair that was messily combed, his eyes looked piercing and his jaw looked as if it could cut through anything.

"Jongseong-ah leave them alone your embarrassing them" a man slightly taller than him who also had jet black hair, but with cute bambi eyes, a perfectly shaped nose and a smile that looked as if it could light up the world

"Oh sorry" he said giving us an awkward but apologetic smile

"Uh no it's fine we're sorry too anyways we will be going now bye" Joshua said as he grabbed my hand and sprinted out of sight

"Jongseong-ah looked what you did you scared them" we heard the Heeseung guy scold the guy

As soon as they were out of sight we stopped and started panting heavily

"That was a awkward"

"I know right but it's good that they didn't do anything"

"Yeah" we just laughed as we continued making our way home

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