Chapter 54

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Joshua's POV

I woke up and the sun was shining really brightly I looked at the time and thankfully I still have lots of time before school starts so I hopped out of bed ran to the bathroom and did my morning routine. Once I had my school uniform one I peeked out the window and my parents car was gone that means they left early or they probably didn't even come home yesterday. I ran downstairs and decided to make myself some breakfast. I quickly made some tea and remembered to call Jeonghan as he never wakes up early. This always happens but sometimes he wakes up before me and wakes me up by calling me or spamming me with some next random stuff. After a few rings I heard him pick up
"Hello..." he said sleepily
"wakey wakey its time to get up" I sang trying to wake him up
"Uhhh nooo 5 more minutes" he whined cutely
"Hannie hurry up and get up or else I'll come over and drag you out of bed myself" I threatened
"Come then, come drag me out of bed" he challenged
"Ok then" I quickly ate my breakfast grabbed my school bag locked the door and ran to jeonghans house. Once I got there I started knocking and an old beautiful looking lady who I supposed was his mum opened the door once she saw me she gasped
"Jisoo what are you doing here?" She asked surprised
"You know my name? I mean umm I'm here for jeonghan" I said she just looked at me and nodded them moved aside to let me in then shutting the door once I was inside.
"His room is upstairs first door on the left" she said walking away
"Ok then thanks" I bowed and ran upstairs to his room. He was just laying in his bed snoring So I sighed and grabbed his leg tightly and dragged him onto the floor
"Wow why did you do that for?" He groaned rubbing his back
"I told you I was gonna come and drag you out of bed if you didn't listen now quickly hurry up and get ready for school" and all I got in response was a groan I smirked in victory. Once he was done we quickly left his house and walked to school quietly enjoying the morning breeze.

It was the same as always I go to the bathroom while jeonghan goes to the cafeteria to get some breakfast. Once I was done I went to class and happily grabbed the letter but what I read made me frown. What no this angel guy can't leave. I'll miss him. Yeah sure to others what he does may just be pathetic but to me it's not. It shows that there is someone out there who cares for me and always makes sure that I'm alright. How am I gonna survive 2 years without them, And just like that my hopes on today actually being a good day just got crushed.

i know i love youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora