Chapter 23

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Joshua's POV

I woke up on the floor in the living room with my bones aching, I struggled but managed to lift myself from the ground and looked around. There were broken bottles all over the floor and one right next to me, i tried remembering what happened but it was really hard but I think I can already guess what happened I had got beaten up by my parents again and one of them had thrown a glass bottle at me and it landed on my head making me pass out. I just sighed and slowly got up picking up the broken glass from the floor and then brushing away the small pieces of glass making sure that there weren't any traces of glass left. Once I was done I grabbed my phone to see what time it was and to my surprise it was already time for me to get ready for school or I would of been late. But, because my head was hurting so much and I felt like I was gonna faint any second I decided not to go today it's not like anyone was gonna miss me well I suppose wonwoo and chan will oh and maybe jeonghan to and the angel guy, sighing I decided to text on the group chat, which consisted of me wonwoo and chan, and tell them that I felt sick and wasn't gonna come to school today. Once I was done I decided to get some more sleep so I made my way to my bedroom and jumped into bed to exhausted to change my clothes.

After a while I felt a bit better and was now just laying in my bed doing nothing when I heard someone ring the doorbell. At first I decided to ignore it but the person wouldn't stop I just sighed deeply and stormed out of bed to see who it was. I opened the door angrily and glared at the person who to my surprise was jeonghan
"What are you doing here?" I asked shocked to see him
"Oh well wonwoo told me that you were sick so I decided to check up on you and see if you were alright" jeonghan explained
"Oh ok we'll I'm fine" i reassured him
"Oh that's good then" he smiled we were both just staring at each other when I realised what he wanted
"Umm do you wanna come inside?" I asked awkwardly
"Thought you would never ask of course I would" jeonghan said rolling his eyes playfully as I moved out the way to let him in and then shut the door once he was as it was kinda chilly outside.
"So umm what do you want to do?" I asked looking at him
"Where is your kitchen?" He asked ignoring my question
"Over there" I said pointing in the direction of the kitchen
"Thanks" he said before walking to the kitchen. I followed him and saw him put a bag, which I didn't notice he had until he placed it on the table. He then opened it and pulled out a container which had a very nice smell it made my stomach rumble I just remembered I havent eaten anything yet.
"I made you some food and some soup to help you get better" he said while opening up the containers.
"I'm just gonna warm this up you go and sit down" he ordered me I just nodded at him and sat down I was to hungry to say anything so I just let him do what he wants. I watched as he placed the food onto a plate and put it into the microwave to warm up. Once he was done he placed it in front of me and gave me a glass of water and a few tablets.
"You better eat it all" he said looking at me in my eyes trying to scare me
"Yeah ok I will" he just smiled at me abs was about to walk away when I quickly got up and grabbed his hand which made him turn back to look at me
"Thank you" I said smiling at him warmly
"No problem jisoo I'll always be here for you" he said smiling at me and for some reason I felt like I had butterflies in stomach. What the flip is going on with me I must be hungry.
"You should quickly eat your food before it gets cold" jeonghan said pointing to the food on the table
"Yeah ok I will" I then sat down again and started to eat the delicious food jeonghan had made for me with his own hands while jeonghan started to wash the containers that he had brought as they were kinda dirty.

It was kinda quiet and for some reason I really wanted to start a conversation.
"How do you know wonwoo?" I asked as I was still curious about how he knew I was sick
"Oh I met wonwoo at the library as I had to finish an assignment that I had. I was looking for a book and once I found the right one I put my hand on the book when I saw another hand on it he said that he needed it really badly but I said that I needed it really badly and we were both fighting over it and we were really loud and the librarian started to get angry so she kicked us out of the library said we made to much noise. Then we both randomly started laughing and yeah we decided to become friends" Jeonghan explained his story of meeting wonwoo
"Oh wow you guys are such weirdos" I said laughing at his story
"Hey we are not" he said laughing too.

After I had done with the food jeonghan said that I should go to bed and rest so I will be better and if I needed anything I could just tell him. I really wanted him to stay but I didn't want to seem like a clingy person I mean he made food for me it's not like he had to.

As I was walking him out he was about to walk away when I grabbed him by his waist and turned him around
"Thank you for taking care of me today jeonghan I really appreciate it. To be honest no one has ever don't this for me because everyone hates me and thinks I'm scary there are only a few people who aren't scared of me and actually like me. Ugh I'm rambling. All I'm saying is thank you and I'm glad you came today" I said smiling at him while gazing into his chocolate brown eyes which sparked like stars in the night as he smiled happily at me
"Aww no problem jisoo I'm glad you enjoyed my company. Oh and what you said was very true there may be people who are scared of you and hate but there are also people who care for you and love you so don't worry jisoo" jeonghan said smiling at me showing off his cute cheekbones which I couldn't help but leave a little peck on both sides. He just blushed at me.
"Bye jisoo" he said as I let go on him
"Bye Jeonghan" I smiled and waved and watched as he was out of sight then made my way inside and like jeonghan said I went straight to bed to rest.

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