Chapter 45

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Joshua's POV

Me and jeonghan always walk together but because he was sick for two day I walked by myself but not that he is back we started to walk together again. But once we got inside the school building he said that he was hungry and that he was gonna quickly go to the cafeteria and get a snack so I told him that I quickly needed to go to the bathroom so I would meet him in class. He nodded and walked in the opposite direction I then realised that he was walking the wrong way the cafeteria wasn't there but then I figured that he might need to do something important so I let him be.

Once I was done I walked to class and jeonghan wasn't their I guess he was still getting his food. So I started to walk towards my desk And I was shocked and happy to see that the angel guy had left me a letter I gasped and ran towards it. Once I read it I felt a wave of relief wash over me, this amazing angel guy doesn't hate me and didn't forget about me like some people do. I was glad to have someone like him in my life. After a while jeonghan walked into class with a cookie and a box of juice on his mouth. He smiled and walked towards the empty seat next to me.
"Wow it feels good to be back. Not. I just realised that I will have to catch up on lots of school work" jeonghan said groaning and smacking his head against the table
"Oh that's sad but you can copy my notes I guess" I muttered the last part. I wasn't that used to being nice but I was trying my best to change myself and be a better person. He just gave me a wide smile so I took out my notes and gave them to him. After a while the teacher walked in but jeonghan was still writing his notes and I think she noticed that because she didn't say anything about it.

At lunch I was sitting down with the guys and we were talking about stuff when I opened the lunchbox just to see the some of the food was heart shaped and there was a piece of paper that said 'happy valentines' ohhh I forgot it was Valentine's Day. Oh wow how did I not remember that. Wait so is that why the chocolates that the angel guy gave me were heart shaped wow he is so smart. Anyways I just tucked the paper into my pocket and eat the food. It tasted wonderful just like it always does. I have no idea why this person does this stuff for me but I appreciate it and I hope to meet them one day.

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