Chapter 40

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To random angel guy

Remember when I told you that the Han river is the most magical place ever. I was right when we went to see it yesterday it was so cool and amazing but I don't know why but I had these strange visions it felt like I have been there before but I don't remember that, And that's not the only thing I also saw a small boy standing next to me holding my hand he was just staring up at the sky and he looked so calm. I didn't want to tell the guys coz they all seemed so excited and I wasn't gonna ruin their fun just because I had some strange visions of someone. Anyways other than that it was amazing i bonded more and got closer with the guys. They didn't bring any food and I was prepared and handed each one of them a sandwich that I made. It was really not easy making 6 sandwiches, finding 6 water bottles and 6 snacks for all of them and me but it was all worth it in the end. Anyways I should go hope you know that you are appreciated and loved by everyone especially me.

Yours sincerely
Joshua or joshuji

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