Chapter 101

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*A few years later*
Jeonghan's POV
I had just arrived back at the base after completing a mission for S.coups, my boss. I drove into the garage with my motorbike the same one that Joshua had gifted me a few years back. Ever since he left I had been learning and teaching myself how to ride a motorbike and I think I'm pretty good at it if I do say so myself. I learnt some crazy new tricks thanks to my members.
Hopping off the bike and locking it I headed off to our secret base sneaking quietly even though I knew nobody was looking.
Our secret base looked like a normal cottage it was small and had all the stuff that a normal cottage would look like however in one of the bedrooms there is a painting of some random art, that we had found and thought was cute, behind the painting there is a small padlock where you have to put in the right code to have access to the secret area. In order for us to be hidden away from enemies this was the only safest option.

Walking in I started heading to the boss to tell him about my mission an how it was a great success when I was stopped by Mingyu

"Hyung if you get hungry there is some food in the fridge for you, the others and I had to eat early as we have a quick mission" He told me as he started to get ready to leave

"ok thanks Gyu, I'm just gonna quickly report to seungcheol about my mission and then I will eat it" I yelled as I started running towards seungcheol's office

"The food better be gone before I'm back Jeonghan Hyung" Mingyu yelled as he was leaving

Ever since news of Joshua's disappearance I was really depressed. I was already having a hard time thinking about how i was gonna live with Joshua in another country but now i have deal with the fact that he is missing. No one knew where he went. CCTV footage last saw him getting into a black limo. The police tried to look for the car but they couldn't find anything, the number plate of the car was unable to be identified as there wasn't one to begin with. Months i spent looking for Joshua but unfortunately he was no where to be found, it was as if he had completely disappeared from existence. What's worse is that his parents didn't even seem to care much all they did was send a few men to go looking for him. Me and a bunch of my friends had to go and place missing person posters all around the town hoping that someone would find him.

I guess my friends all had enough of my depressed self as they all started to stop hanging out with me at first I was i didn't really notice it and thought that they were just busy with life but every time I would ask them to hang out they would always come up with some excuse like 'I have tons of homework to do today' 'my mum wants me to help her clean the house' 'I have to go walk my goldfish' i started to get Suspicious of this it wasn't just one of them it was both of them. Me, seokmin and soonyoung had been together for a very long time I watched them grown up. Joshua's two friends chan had stopped talking to us after Joshua had left, wonwoo was the only one who stayed in contact with us but he too was busy with life. So it was just us four but after they started to act a bit different than their usual self I decided to spy on them and see what they were up to and they had drove to some cottage place I followed them in and that's when I had found out that they were up to some shady business. I confronted them and turns out that they weren't done with me they were just busy with missions and stuff. Turns out that the two cutest and sweetest people I know were actually part of a mafia gang. At first I wouldn't believe them until they had shown me around and I could see that they were actually telling the truth. The reason for them being distant from me was because they were looking for joshua they had enough of me being depressed because of his disappearance and decided to help me look for him. Due to my knowledge of their secret base their boss seungcheol suggested that they either kill me, lock me up forever or let me join their group as I looked like I had potential. So obviously I decided to pick the third option and join their gang.
To be honest it wasn't completely boring it was actually fun having the thrill of going around undercover and punishing the bad guys even though we were technically ones too. Thanks to me joining the gang I earned a lot of life long friends that I could trust with my life. Although they say never trust anyone when you become part of the dark side I knew that I could trust these guys.

Anyways as I got to his door I knocked on it a few times before hearing a loud 'come in'
"Ah han back from the mission already, that was fast. But what would I expect from my most talented member here" seungcheol said leaning back on his chair
"Ok cut to the slack what is it you want?" I said taking a seat on the sofa and leaning back for comfort
"What are you on about there is nothing can't I just appreciate my favourite member" he said as he cracked his knuckles and laughed nervously as I started narrowly at him
"Ok fine I know you just came back from a mission and don't like to rush straight into another one without having a few hours of rest but this one is urgent" seungcheol said as he quickly sat forwards
"There it is" I smirked "ugh I guess I'm not that tired from the last mission so sure I'll check it out. What's it about?"
"Basically you have heard about the most feared group, the evil demons right? Well rumour has it that their gang has recently moved into this area. Normally I wouldn't like to interfere with other groups especially ones that, I hate to say this, are more better than us and more capable of destroying us in a second but it turns out that they are up to no good. You remember the ship that we had prepared to deliver the important goods to secure our deal with the evilmongers well it turns out that their gang are planning to intercept the ship and take all our goods for theirselves. Normally I wouldn't want to send you out on your own for a huge mission like this but I have to since the others are dealing with a huge mission too. But don't worry once they are done I will send them over to you" seungcheol explained to me and I took a note of all these details in my head
"ok so what do you want me to do?" "Their leader HJS is going to try and find a way to hack into the ship and in order for him to do that he needs to go to our dock and find the specific ship and upload his data into it but that's where you come in, you are gonna be hiding away where nobody will be able to see you and once you see him in your sight, tackle him to the ground. If we are not able to capture him then you should be able to at least take a slight glimpse of what he looks like then that will give us a little bit of evidence to find out what their needs are for them to have to try and intercept our ship"
"oh wow that sound like a no brainer I could finish this mission in a blink of an eye" I said fully assure of myself. The guy sounds like he would be easy to defeat, even though he is meant to be part of the most fearful gang ever
"Well then I wish you good look then" he said as he got up from his seat before getting ready to leap onto the sofa. I just sighed at his childish behaviour, he is the oldest and acts like the youngest. Leaving his office I headed to the kitchen to eat the food mingyu had made for me before leaving for my mission.

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