Chapter 6

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Joshua's POV

I woke up feeling the soft fur of jeonghans jacket that smelt just like him, a mix of vanilla and sandalwood. I looked up to see that there were a couple of books in front of me I was kinda confused until I realised someone had put them there to hide me from the teacher because If she saw me sleeping in class I would have gotten a detention and when if my parents found out that I wasn't paying attention in class and was sleeping instead I'm pretty sure they will beat me up and probably home school me and I don't want that to happen even the thought of it gives me the creeps. I looked to my side and saw jeonghan focusing on the teacher then I realised that he probably was the one to cover me up coz nobody would dare to near me and I don't know why but just the thought of jeonghan caring about me made me blush. He is such an angel I smiled at him and he looked at me
"Oh hey your up did you have a good sleep?" He whispered to me
"Haha yeah I did thanks for you jacket it was warm" I said handing him the jacket which he placed on the back of his chair
"No problem" he said and passed me a book I realised that it was my book I opened it and saw that he had written my notes for me
"Did you do my notes for me?" I asked shocked
"Yeah you looked like you really needed some sleep so I decided to do it for you" he answered smiling at me before focusing back on the teacher wow jeonghan you really are an amazing person.

Lunch was over and we only had one lesson left I didn't have any of my friends in this one not even jeonghan so I was pretty bored and the teacher was so boring. I had already finished my work and had nothing to do, when suddenly the angel person popped into my mind what would happen if I leave a letter for him will he answer it I don't know if they will but it's worth a try I got some paper and asked someone if they could give me some paper and and I didn't have an envelope so I left that

To the random person called angel

Hello thank you for saying that stuff about me, you are very nice but do I even know you like are you a girl or boy? what's your name? what do you look like? I don't know anything about you but anyways thank you for the packed lunch the food was very nice and the chocolates are my favourite thank you.

From Joshua or joshuji (I don't know why you call me that but yeah. Not gonna lie it kinda sounds cute tho)

After I had written the letter class had finished so I placed the letter on my desk and left to go meet up with jeonghan, as my other friends were busy again, hoping the mysterious person would get my letter

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