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"What did you do?" asked Marley.

She had stampeded into my house like a wild bull, marched up my stairs, and burst into my room like a rabid animal with her jaws seething with white foam. She was pissed off about something, and clearly I was to blame.

I rolled over in bed, my hair messy from tossing and turning all night as I tried to figure out what was wrong with Jay and why he had acted so weirdly. I wanted to apologize for how I treated him last night, too, but I was too stubborn. My pride couldn't take another hit like that. I sat up, rubbing my eyes groggily.

"Hm?" was all I could muster.

Marley slammed my door shut and stalked over, her blonde curls swinging wildly. "Why the fuck did Jay tell me you've got a boyfriend?"

I blinked slowly. "What? That fucking liar!"

I knelt down on my bed. So Jay was so jealous that I told him to leave when Oliver showed up that he lied to Marley and told her I had a boyfriend? "He's such a fucking douchebag!" I yelled, throwing my pillow across the room. "I hate him! I hate him! I hate him!"

Marley stared at me in stunned silence. "Abey?"

I slumped against my wall. "I fucking trusted him, too. And then he leaves me. He chose Charlie over me, and now he's making up rumors. I should've known it was a lie. He never liked me. He just wanted to play with my feelings."

Marley scurried over to sit down on the bed. "Abey, what are you talking about?"

I looked up at her, and wiped angry tears out of my eyes. "I told him I was gay."

Marley gaped. "You... You are? I mean, I knew that already, but you told people?"

"I told my mom and Jay, that's it. I called Jay over and I told him, and then we kissed, and then I told him that Charlie was the one that had been threatening me and he got all pissed off or something and tried to leave. I tried to stop him, and that's when Oliver showed up and I sort of told Jay to leave because I wanted to catch up with him, but I didn't expect him to be so salty over it." I groaned. "I just- I thought he really liked me. I believed for a second that he cared about me

Marley pulled me into a side hug. "Abey, forget about Jay for a second. I am so fucking proud of you for coming out to your mom, and especially to Jay. But you need to listen to me. I know Jay cares about you. Which is why we're going to get this figured out, okay? We're going to find out why Jay acted that way and then we're going to chew him out for scaring you."

I shook my head. "There's no point. He already chose Charlie over me."

"He's gay. And he likes you! Why would he choose Charlie?"

"He thinks I'm lying? I dunno."

Marley clicked her tongue. "No. No, no, absolutely not. Your love story does not end here, Abey. You and Jay are good for each other. I know Jay cares for you, and I know you care for him."

"I don't," I retorted.

"Then why are you crying?"

I reached up a hand to touch my face, and my fingers came away wet. Damn it, I thought. She's right. I threw another pillow. "Ugh! Stupid Jay, making me care and shit. I knew he was trouble from the start, and I let him make me think he was okay, or that he cared."

"He does," insisted Marley.

I stood up, wiping my eyes with my pajama sleeves. "Whatever. I've got a date with Oliver at the cafe in a few hours. You want to help me get ready for that?"

Marley squeezed me tightly. "Not today, sweetie. I promised Jay I'd help him get ready for something else. I don't know what yet, so I'll die from suspense if I don't show up." She planted a gentle kiss on my cheekbone. "I believe you, Abey. But I think you're scared. Jay cares a lot about you, and you need to realize that, before you actually lose him."

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