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He thinks he's so great... I thought angrily to myself as I sat at my mirror. I was doing my make-up, a ring of eye-liner around my eyes and then a bit of black eyeshadow. They just made me look less tired, and then I could match with Marley, who loved dark make-up and wearing ripped, black clothing. It didn't always match with her blonde hair, but I wasn't the one that cared about her fashion sense so I never said anything.

My phone buzzed with a text message on the dresser next to me. I grabbed my phone, hoping it was from Marley so that I could beg her to come over so that my study date with Jay wouldn't be as unbearable if I had here with me, but it also seemed like Jay wasn't too fond of her. I'd be able to annoy him as much as he annoyed me. I picked up the phone, and to my disappointment it was a message from Jay.

J: I'll be there in five minutes 

I narrowed my eyes. I was still fuming over what had happened on Thursday. Not only had he called me adorable, Sunshine, an angry puppy, and more- he'd treated me like some sort of unruly toddler! I could still see the way he looked at me, that amused, triumphant expression on his face burned into my mind. I hated him even more. He wasn't better than me. I had been here first, I had worked for my popularity. He just showed up and became king of our grade. Jill and Marley both said that the attention would fade soon, and it couldn't be soon enough.

I tugged on a black knit sweater with white butterflies on the front and fiddled with the rings in my jewelry box, searching for matching ones to wear. I grabbed one cloud ring and slid it onto my pinky, then searched for all of my insect rings and pulled them on. I had ladybugs, butterflies, moths, and more. I loved my rings. I had gotten these packs of cheap rings with almost fifty a piece. I got rid of the ones that didn't fit, which left me with nearly seventy or eighty. I had them all set up in the foam rollers of my big jewelry box, and wore six or seven every day. They weren't good material, and I lost them like I was getting paid to, but I think it was worth it.

I drummed my fingers on my dresser and glanced at my phone. There was a little bubble notification. Jay had texted me again, and even though I was itching to look at it I didn't want to look desperate to him. He already thought I was pathetic. I sighed and started slowly putting my make-up away, slipping the tubes back into the cup and the palletes back onto their shelf. I couldn't help it. I snatched up the phone and opened messages.

J: I'm here

J: Let me in, Sunshine, I can't wait out here forever

A: Maybe I'll make you

J: Do that, and I'm either breaking your door down or I'm going to play Taylor Swift on blast outside your window

I blinked, so startled that I almost laughed. Almost.

I stood up and dusted a bit of eyeshadow off of my fingertips. I gave my room a quick once-over, making sure my room look clean enough to have company over. I looked at my phone one last time, silently begging Marley to reply to my text for her to come over, so that I wouldn't be stuck with the egotistical, brain-dead European douchebag. 

I opened my door and scurried down the hallway and into the kitchen, to the front door. The kitchen was a bit of a mess from my Mom. She was a baker, and she was really good at it, but in order to get the price she deserved for her cakes and cookies she often had to sleep with the person that she delivered the treats to. Which meant she was rarely home because she was off getting enough money to make living for us comfortable. I hovered my hand over the doorhandle. I groaned slightly. I was not too excited to let him inside. Was he going to demean me again? Probably.

I groaned again, and finally swung the door open, letting the boy inside.

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