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"Are you serious?!" shrieked Marley. "That little bitch told you to stay away from Jay?! I swear to god I'll kick her ass into last year! After all, that seems to be where her fashion sense is!"

I smiled. "It's really not that big of a deal. Besides, I'm still friends with Jay," I said, leaving out the part that included the six different bruises littering my body. The bitemarks on my shoulder, the mark in the middle of my chest, the mark on my stomach, and the mark on each of my inner thighs. The bruises rubbed together when I walked, and I had to admit that the pain got me a little bit excited. It had hurt at the time, but now the bruises had formed and had time to heal a little bit, the dull ache was almost erotic. I flushed as soon as I had the thought with both shame and embarassment. I could never tell anyone that- they'd think I was a total weirdo, and even more so if I told them it was a guy that gave me the marks.

Speaking of that guy, Jay was up in my bedroom working on the rest of our poetry project. I was positive he couldn't hear us, but Marley had stopped by with more Subway cookies because she thought I was mad at her, and after I reassured her (and took the cookies) I explained what Charlie had told me. I still felt a little off, especially during lunch. I ate with Marley now, unable to trust anyone that sat with me at the popular table now. It just felt weird, knowing that they might not like me, the same way Charlie doesn't. Jay wanted to come sit with us, but I told him that whoever wanted me to stay away from him would get mad, and he reluctantly agreed to stay at my old table. The worst part was that he talked to Charlie and a handful of other girls that were probably in on it while he was at the table, and had no idea that they were the ones that had threatened me. I could see him scanning the room constantly, trying to subconsciously figure out who it was despite me telling him to drop it.

"She's such a little bitch," Marley repeated. "I mean, who does she think she is? The queen? No!"

I laughed softly. Marley looked hilarious when she was angry. I could kind of see why Jay found it so funny when I was mad. Except that he said I was like a toddler throwing a tantrum while Marley just reminded me of like a wannabe Harley Quinn. 

Marley crossed her arms. She looked distant, and really upset about something. I tilted my head. "Are you alright?"

Marley huffed, blowing a strand of blonde hair out of her face. "No!" She glared at the floor. "I fucking hate Charlie, you know?" She looked up at me. "Remember a few years ago, when I told you that I realized I was gay because someone kissed me?"

I nodded. "Of course."

"Well that someone was Charlie. We kissed at the pool, in a bathroom stall, and she told me she'd had a crush on me for ages. Then when I tried to hug her the next day at school, she pretended she didn't know who I was. She called me a fag, and told me to leave her alone. So I did, I tried to ignore her, but she kept coming up to me outside of school and trying to kiss me. I told her to fuck off, and when I finally came out in public she decided to leave me alone. She acted like I owed her something. And now she's a dumb, brainless blonde bimbo that's so boy-crazy its like I never even existed to her."

I gaped. "Charlie was your first kiss?!"

Marley crossed her arms with a roll of her eyes. "Yeah. I wish it had been anyone else, even a boy. I really liked her, you know. She was so pretty, and so popular. I just felt drawn to her. Now she's a slutty cheerleader that only cares about who's the hottest guy in school. I don't think she even likes them really, she just wants to be seen as the girl that can pull any guy she wants. That's why she was flirting with you so much. She hated you the whole time. I never told you because I didn't want to hurt your feelings."

On the bright side, I had one more reason to hate Charlie's guts. I wasn't mad that she wanted me to stay away from Jay, I was mad about the sense of entitlement she had while demanding I listen to her. I was still helpless, though. I didn't want her telling people I was gay, or that Jay liked me, because if you just took the time to watch him it was kind of obvious. I always felt him staring, he always wanted to spend time with me, and he had kind of freaked out when I ignored him for so long. It was pretty obvious he cared about me, but I only liked him as a friend.


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