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I looked up from the poetry book when Charlie slammed a book down on the table in front of me. She was wearing a short pink tube top, tight denim jeans with an embroidered rose on the back pocket, and a thick brown belt. She looked straight out of the 2000's, and I gave her twenty minutes before she got dress-coded. 

"Can I help you?" I asked. Charlie used to have a crush on me. She was always hanging off of my arm and asking me to hang out and stuff. I didn't like being alone with her, especially after she tried to kiss me. I told Marley how I had thrown up when I got home later, and she'd never stopped bothering me about it.

Charlie glared at me. "You and I need to have a little chat."

"About what?" I asked, sliding my paper to the side. I was trying to work on my first poem evaluation, but now I was being bothered by this chick. "I'm a little busy right now, I'm trying to get this project done."

"Yeah. I heard Jay's doing most of the work."

I frowned. "From who?"

She shrugged. "Doesn't matter. But like I said, we need to have a little talk. You got that?"

"No. And I don't want to."

Charlie pulled out the chair across from me at the library table and sat down. "Listen, Abe. We have a problem here. You see, Jay is really great. He's smart, he's pretty, he's hot, and he's got an accent. I don't think there's a better formula for a gushing wet pussy, do you understand?" Charlie told me.

I wrinkled my nose. "Ew, no, not really."

"Well, Jay is really attractive. You got that? I think you do, because I've seen you gawking at him the same way that me and the other girls do. And I'm afraid we don't like that very much."


"The other girls. In case you haven't noticed, we all really like Jay, and it's become a sort of a competition to figure out who can get Jay to screw them first. His muscles, his bulge, it's all incredibly endearing, which is why its so unfair that he's gay. But you, my dear Abe, are not."

I scoffed. "Duh."

"So why, j-just tell me why, Jay would have a crush on you?"

I blinked rapidly. "Woah. That's a pretty big accusation, and not really something I'm willing to believe coming out of your mouth. Jay just sort of has a flirty nature, I guess. It pisses me off anyways, he's always bothering me. I can't believe I have to work on this stupid project with him, too."

Charlie crossed her arms. "Maybe you can't see it, but that's just because you're a fucking idiot that you can't tell when anyone likes you. You didn't know I liked you until I outright told you, and even then I had to explain like, every single interaction we've ever had. You've got such a broken radar when it comes to finding out if someone likes you."

"Do not."

"Do too," she retorted. "You don't see the way that Jay swoons over you in class, or how jealous he gets when he sees you talking to anyone else."

I rolled my eyes. I didn't have time for this. 

Charlie narrowed her eyes at me. "You're fucking ridiculous, Abe, but since you insist you have no idea what we're talking about, then it shouldn't be a problem to do what we're asking."

"And why would I do anything you ask?"

"We see the way that Abe looks at you, and so will everyone else if we tell them," she said simply.

I arched my eyebrow. "Okay? So?"

Charlie grinned. "Well, it doesn't make sense to any straight person why a gay guy would like someone straight. So why don't we just tell them that you told Jay that you were gay or bi or pan or whatever you want to be, and that's why Jay likes you. All the girls would believe it in a heartbeat, and they'll be breaking down your door trying to tell you exactly what I am."

I frowned. "I don't get it. I mean, for starters, you're fucking crazy. Jay doesn't have a crush on me, and I doubt he ever will, and secondly, I don't even understand why you're mad at me." I was a little apprehensive. "Also, I'm not gay."

Charlie rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I know. But that won't mean anything if we tell them you are. Who do you think they'll believe? I mean, you hang out with a lesbian, don't you? That's pretty gay."

I glared at her. "I'm not."

"They don't know that."

I sighed and snapped the tip of my pencil off when I pressed it against the paper. I'm not gay, I told myself. I don't want people thinking I am. But Jay doesn't like me, I don't like Jay, Charlie likes Jay, Jay doesn't like Charlie. I don't see how I'm even supposed to be shoved into this, I thought, my brows furrowed in frustration. Did I have to stand up on this table and tell her that she was fucking insane?

"Whatever. So, what? You want me to get you in with Jay or something? Because that's not going to work. He's fucking gay, Charlie. Over a million people know that."

Charlie scoffed. "He's probably just doing that for attention. Besides, no one can resist a good woman, and I am a good woman."

I arched my eyebrow. "I resisted you."

Charlie sighed. "Whatever, Abe. Anyways, Jay isn't as gay as he says he is. I swear I've caught him checking me out a couple times, so he'd have his eyes on me if he wasn't so... obsessed with you!" Charlie cried, stamping her foot. "It's just not fair. You aren't even gay, why the hell does Jay like someone like you? You're basic, you're kind of short, you've got anger issues, and your looks are the only thing you have going for you. Your mother is a whore."

I clenched my pencil, resisting the urge to stab it through her neck. "Say it again, I fucking dare you."

Charlie rolled her eyes. "Alright, I'm sorry about the mom thing, but not about the rest of it. You are so boring, Abe. But Jay isn't. He's from Germany for fuck's sake! And he's a popular influencer! He's cute, he's hot, he's just- he's perfect. And he likes you."

To my surprise, I felt like crying. "Okay, I get it, Jesus," I mumbled, drumming my fingers on my leg. Was I really that horrible? I thought people liked me. I was popular, wasn't I? I rubbed my hand along my thigh, the same spot that Jay had grabbed. Charlie was wrong. If anything, it was just lust. There weren't any other gay guys here so he thought I was easy pickings. He probably only apologized to give him a better chance with me or something. I wanted to cry more than ever. 

Charlie rose to her feet. "Alright, this conversation has gone on long enough. I love Abe, Abe loves you. So I need you to break his heart."


"Not to his face, but I want you to stay away from him until he loses interest and realizes that I'm the perfect one for him." She flipped a dark curl over her shoulder. "You got that, Abey?" she sneered. 

I nodded. "Yeah. Whatever."

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