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The whole house was dark and quiet when someone finally knocked on the door, and I opened it, quickly ushering Jay inside. Jay looked confused, and he took off his coat and slung it on a chair as he followed me upstairs.

"Uhh, Abe? You okay?" he asked.

"Not yet." I pulled him past Mom's room, up the stairs, and down the hall to my bedroom. I pushed him inside and cautiously shut the door behind us. Then I turned to Jay, looked him up and down, and took a deep breath. 

"Kiss me."

Jay's eyes widened in surprise. "H-Huh?"

I crossed my arms and hunched my shoulders. "I asked you to kiss me, dumbass."

Jay looked confused. "I still don't get it?"

"Read my lips, okay?" I said, exasperated. "Kiss me"

Jay didn't need to be told three times, and he quickly grabbed my head and smashed our lips together. My eyes instantly fluttered shut as butterflies erupted in my stomach, banging against the walls of my stomach like projectiles. My whole skin tingled with goosebumps, and my heart pounded angrily in my chest. He tasted like cinnamon, and like the Subway cookies he had stealen from my cupboard last time he was over here. I felt a flash of anger. Those were my cookies, but my thoughts were instantly absorbed by him. His free hand grabbed at my waist, pulling me closer to him as he cradled my head with his other hand, his fingers knotting through my thick curls. He took a few steps backwards, pulling me with him. Finally he paused to take a breather, our hot breaths mingling as we panted inches away from each other. I had loved it. I loved every second of it.

"You couldn't have waited until tomorrow morning?" asked Jay.

I flushed. "Shut up! I was having a crisis, okay?"

Jay smirked and kissed my forehead. I cupped his face in my hands and stood on tip-toe, pressing our lips together again. I wanted more of him, more of his taste. I screwed my eyes shot, parting my lips so that I could get a better taste of his sweet breath. He seemed to take that as an invitation, and his tongue slipped past my mouth, earning a small gasp of surprise from me. It was too late to turn back, and I tilted my head upwards so that he had better entry. I didn't even try to fight him, and quickly let his tongue dominate over mine as our saliva swirled together. When we pulled away from each other, our chests rising and falling in sync, a string of drool connected our lips.

"Fuck, you taste good," Jay mumbled. "More. More, more," he repeated, smashing our faces together again. This time he didn't wait for my permission, jamming his tongue down my throat. I gagged, but that only seemed to fuel him further. His tongue swept over every crevice of my drooling maw, the sound of smacking lips filling the tiny room. He pulled away a couple centimeters to plant closed kissed all over my mouth, his pursed lips pressing against different sections of my lips and my face.

"Okay, okay, stop!" I laughed, pushing him away. 

Jay didn't let go of me. "You don't know how long I've wanted to do that, Sunshine. So, what's the occasion?"

I furrowed my brows. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"I thought kissing was gay?"

"It is."

"But you're not gay?"

I took a deep breath. "I am."

Jay's eyes widened. "Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit, you said it! You fucking said it!" He swept me up in a tight hug, swinging me around the room in his big arms, my feet dangling in the air. He stared at me, his eyes shining with excitement. "I knew it! I knew you were gay!"

"You don't have to sound so excited about it."

"But I am. God, I've dreamt of hearing those words come out of your mouth. I've had so many daydreams of you admitting it, of you standing in front of me and telling me that you're gay, or at least bisexual, and that you're finally okay with it. I just- I didn't expect it to happen so soon. Why, what happened?"

I shrugged. "I started doing research."

Jay closed his eyes, pressing his forehead against mine. His dark skin gleamed in the dim light of my alarm clock. "Sunshine, oh my god. I just wanted to hear you admit it. I wanted you to say you were gay. Because if you said you were gay, then that meant you'd finally let me do things to you. So many things that I've held back from doing..."

I swallowed. "Uhm... what kinds of things?"

"We can worry about them another time," he whispered seductively, kissing the bottom of my ear. I shivered. "For now, I'm just so happy- for you, I mean. Are you going to come out to everyone?" Jay's eyes widened. "Can you tell me who the person that blackmailed you is?"

"You're still hooked on that?"


I sighed. "Charlie."

Jay's fingernails dug into my skin almost instantly. "You're... joking, right?"

I looked up at him. "If you don't believe me, that's fine. We don't need to worry about it, remember? I'm over it. You should be, too."

Jay took a step back. "Charlie... Charlie threatened you?"

"With a rumor. Not like with a knife or anything. I know you two are kind of close, it's really not that big of a deal-" I started.

Jay held up his hand to cut me off. "I... I need a second." He paused, staring at his hands. "Charlie... Charlie's the one that threatened you? She threatened to upset you or ruin you or whatever you called it because you wouldn't leave me alone?"

I shrugged. "I-I guess, but we don't have to pay attention to that right now, do we?"

"I need to go. Now."

"Wh-What? Can't you stay?"

Jay shook his head, backing up towards the door. "No, no, I can't." He turned, and ran out of the room.

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