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I raced after Jay, down the hallway and to the kitchen. "Wait! Jay, where are you going?"

"Home, stop following me!" Jay said, grabbing the door handle. He swung it open, startling the boy on the front step. 

I stared at the boy in disbelief, not believing my own eyes as I stared at him in shock. "Holy fucking shit-" I said. I stepped forward, wrapping my hands around his face. "Oh my god. Oliver?! Jesus Christ, its the middle of the night, what the fuck are you doing here? I mean- how?"

Jay stood back, a confused look on his face.

Oliver grinned. "I didn't think you'd recognize me. It is pretty late, huh? I couldn't sleep. I'm still on New York time, you know."

I gaped, still holding onto his face. I couldn't help it, I wrapped my arms around him tightly and let out a choked sob. "I'm so- I mean I can't even- I'm so glad you're alive and okay and I just-" I could barely speak, each word trembling with emotion. It felt so surreal, after finally coming to terms with what I had done, Oliver just shows up on my doorstep. 

Oliver laughed. That same bright, cheerful laugh that I used to love back in elementary school. We were hugging on my front steps, me in socks and pajamas while he was fully clothed and looked like he was ready for a day on the town. "Can I come in?" he asked, hugging me back. His arms, now taught with muscle, wrapped around me. I backed up into the house, still squeezing him tightly, until we were in the kitchen and the door swung shut behind us. Oliver finally pried me off of him, his eyes shining with his own tears. "Aww, I missed you, too Abe! God, it's been forever, hasn't it?"

"It's been like, ten years you dick!" I cried, slapping him on the shoulder lightly. I wiped my eyes with my sleeves. "Holy shit. God, I can't believe you're here. Why? Er, how?"

Oliver smiled. "I sort of stalked your social media a little while back, and when my dad said he was coming in for business I decided to take the chance to come see you. I've missed you for a long time, you know. God, I honestly thought you'd forgotten about me."

I hugged him again. "I could never forget you, Ollie. I've missed you so much. Every single day after you left I've thought about you, and how terrible of a friend I was." I held him out at arm's length, my vision blurring through the tears. 

Jay let out a low growl. 

I turned. "Weren't you just leaving?" I asked.

Jay's eye twitched slightly. Oliver looked at him, stunned. "Holy shit. Jay? Jay Salazar? Like- the influencer? Holy shit, dude, I follow you on like everything. Why are you in Abe's house? I mean- why are you here?" 

Ollie was struggling to speak to Jay the way I was just struggling to speak to him. "Jay's upset," I said simply, turning back back pointedly. "And he was just leaving to go home so that he can pout like a little baby. Weren't you sweetie?" I said coyly. Part of me wanted Jay to get jealous, to demand to stay, but he squared his shoulders and shoved past me as he left my house, mumbling insults under his breath as he left.

Oliver looked at me in disbelief. "Why was there a famous influencer in your house? How much have you changed, Abey?"

I shrugged. "More than you might think. As for Jay, he moved here from Germany about a month ago. Marley and I are friends with him. You should see all the girls drooling over him at school."

"Isn't he gay?"

"Oh, one hundred percent, but they don't leave him alone." I was about to tell him about how Charlie had threatened me, but then remembered how hurt and confused Jay had looked when I told him. I didn't understand. Was he mad at me or Charlie? He had been ready to go in guns-blazing once I told him, but once he found out it was Charlie he just sort of... broke. Like he didn't know what to do.

I shook my head. Fuck Jay. I didn't have to worry about him right now. Oliver was back!

"I'm so glad you're here, there's so much that I've wanted to tell you but I haven't been able to. God, how long are you staying?"

"About three days," Oliver said with a grimace. "But, I'm sure I can visit over from New York City from time to time if your mom is okay with it. I don't really mind the trip or the flight over here to see you," he said with a smile.

I relaxed slightly. "Okay, okay. Do you want to stay for a bit? I should probably wake up my mom, she'll want to see you, and-"

Oliver shook his head. "Nah, I've got to get back. It is really late here, huh? I want to hang out tomorrow, and that cafe I saw on the drive in here. The one with the gray bricks and the big windows?"

I smiled. "Cudley's."

He nodded. "Yeah, that one."

I beamed. "Sure! Yeah, no, no problem!"

Oliver smiled. "Great!"

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