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"Alright, alright!" I said finally, pushing him away with my bent knees. He was still tightly holding me, his fingernails digging into my thighs and the small of my back. I liked the way the tiny red welts looked on my pale skin. It wasn't fair either, I was in my sports clothes, and they were like perfect ripping clothes. Easy to be thrown off. I didn't want Jay seeing me in shorts, but here we were. I closed my legs around him, hiding my bare skin behind his back. 

Jay looked at me seriously. "Five days, Abe. You've ignored me, you've hurt me for five days. I want to know exactly who, what, where, when, and why the fuck you think you can just shut me out."

I swallowed thickly. "I-I'm sorry, Jay, I-"

"Everywhere," he repeated. "And if I get up to your neck and you still don't tell me, then there's nothing that's going to stop me from marking everywhere else. So you either tell me before or I'm not stopping. I'm going to mark every inch of your beautiful body. Your legs, your stomach, your neck, your di-"

I covered my face with my hands, my face burning bright red with embarassment. I wasn't used to this kind of talk from anyone, and it wasn't flustering me because I'm not gay, remember? I'm not. "I just- I..." I had to think up a lie, fast. I couldn't have anyone walking in and seeing me like this, nor could I have someone seeing his bite marks. What if Jay told people it was him? On the bright side, if he did, Charlie wouldn't have any power over me anymore, but on the down side everyone would think I was gay. And I wasn't. "It just sort of upset when you tried to kiss me," I said. That part was true, it had upset me, just not for the reasons Jay was thinking. It didn't make me uncomfortable, that was the problem. I was tempted to let him. And I wasn't gay. 

"That's it?" asked Jay.

"Yes, that's i- hey!" 

Jay grabbed my arm and twisted it against the wall. I cried out in pain and Jay covered my mouth with his hand. "Stop screaming. Tell me the truth, Abe, because I know that's not why you've been avoiding me. You look away when you lie and I know damn well that kiss didn't upset you."

I frowned. "What's the supposed to m-"

He pressed my arm harder.

"Ow! Okay, okay, can you just stop hurting parts of my body? Goddamn..." I mumbled, tearing my arm away from him, rubbing my sore elbow. "And you say I have anger issues."

Jay narrowed his eyes. "Five days, Abe. Five fucking days. Tell me. Right now, or I'll do it again."

"Look, someone threatened me, okay?!" I said, hiding my face in my sweater. "They don't want me hanging out with you, so they made up some bullshit rumor and threatened to spread it if I didn't leave you alone or something, that's it, I swear. I just- don't want to tell you who it is, okay? They'd kill me, or spread that rumor, and then I'd be all over. I'm not okay with it going around. I don't want anybody thinking that its true."

Jay's gaze softened for a moment, and then hardened. "You have to tell me who, Abe. I won't confornt them, but I want to know not to hang out with them at the least."

v"Then she'll know I told you-" I broke off, covering my mouth with my hands. Damn it, I thought. I didn't mean to tell him that. 

Jay glared at me. "So, you're telling me that someone is threatening you, to stay away from me. Hah! You try to do that anyways. Why didn't you tell me something was up? You... You scared me. I thought I did something wrong, or I thought something might have happened to you, something serious. I even tried to ask MArley what was wrong, but she didn't know either. She said you were just upset."

I sighed. "I wasn't really upset about them threatening me, they just sort of said some things that made me question a lot of shit. It really upset me. They basically insulted me, and just made fun of me. I felt lonely. Part of me just thought that you were messing with me. I hated myself. I-" I broke off. I ducked my head, unable to meet his symapthetic gaze. I didn't want his pity, and I didn't want to spill my guts to him. 

Jay tilted his head. "What's wrong?" He tilted my chin upwards with his finger. "Look at me, Sunshine. I'm not mad at you, I was just confused. I really want to be your friend, at least, that's not a joke. So why did you run? Why didn't you at least talk to me?"

"I know, I know, I handle it the wrong way but-"

Jay grabbed my arm. "Five days," he said. "You ignored me for five days. Do you know how much that hurt? Sunshine, you owe me something for all the trouble you've caused."

I wriggled in his grip.

"You ignored me for five days. I get to mark your body, one mark for each day you wouldn't talk to me."

"Hey, I texted you the first day!" I protested.

"Fine. Four marks, then. Four marks for four days. Four days, I wasn't able to hear your beautiful voice. Now, I get to make your beautiful voice moan for me. Isn't that fair?" Jay murmured, his voice close to my ear and his breath hot against my neck. 

My eyes widened slightly, but before I could neither agree or protest, his lips pressed against my chest, right below my neck, and started sucking. He bit me gently, now, working my skin between his teeth. I squirmed at first, not used to the foreign feeling, but eventually my grimace of pain turned into a look of pleasure as my head leaned back against the wall.

"Hah~" I groaned.

"What's that? You want me to bite harder?" mumbled Jay against my skin.

I dug my fingernails into his shoulders as he bit down even harder. "Ah~! It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts," I whined, writhing against his hold. He was too strong for me, holding me up with just his abs while his hands slipped underneath my shirt and worked up and down my hips. I wasn't into this, because I wasn't gay, I just liked the feeling of being touched this way. I'd like it more if I was a girl. 

Jay lifted up my sweater with his hands and bent his head, moving his wet lips down from my chest to my stomach, where he gingerly bit down on a section of skin just above my waistband, and repeated what he had done further up. I wriggled back and forth, frustrated at being trapped against a wall with all this tension building up in me. I tried to ignore the rock in my pants, or the tent forming in Jay's. If I didn't look, it wasn't there, I tried to tell myself.

I groaned. 

Jay finally stepped back, and I slid out of his grip for a moment. Then he grabbed me again and brought me over to the bench in the locker room. He sat me down, and got down on his knees in front of me. Then he did the same thing to my legs, one mark on each of my thighs, as I whimpered softly above him. 

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