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I sat cross-legged on my bed, doodling little stars and moons on a sticky note while Jay looked around my room. His broad chest was like a fifth of the width of my room, and it made everything feel smaller just having him in here. I rolled my eyes as he looked at everything on my desk, picking up each object and inspecting it.

"I don't want you here if we're not working on the project," I said grumpily, setting the paper and my pencil to the side.

Jay turned his head slightly to look at me. He arched his eyebrow. "Is that so? So... you're kicking me out? You. You, are kicking me out?"

"It's my house!" I protested, flushing slightly.

Jay shrugged. "Whatever you say." He grabbed the bag he had brought with him and sat down in my saucer chair amid a pile of stuffed animals. He picked up a dragon plush and turned it this way and that, staring at it curiously. "What's this?"

"A stuffed animal, dumbass," I muttered. "What do you think?"

Jay rolled his eyes. "Alright, well I've got the book right here. It's got like five hundred poems in it, so we could get a poem from like every five chapters that we like and then do the paragraph on that. I know you're good at English, you just don't try, so I'll do four and you can do three. Or can you only handle two?"

"I bet I could handle eight!" I said angrily.

Jay grinned, biting his lip. "Can you really?"

I turned bright red. "Shut the fuck up!" I cried, throwing my pillow at him. Jay snatched it mid-air and tucked it behind his head. He flipped the dragon's wings up and down and tossed the thick hard-cover book to me. I flinched away from the giant projectile, and it slammed into my bed with a loud thump. I looked at the cover. It was just white with black letters that read "ROBINSON'S POEMS FOR THE EMPATHETIC". I scoffed. 


"I wouldn't call you empathetic," I said simply. "But whatever." I opened the poem to the first page. The first poems were about animals, like metaphors for bad people as black cats or as toads. 

Jay looked me up and down, something flashing in his steely gray gaze. "What's with you today? You're usually so cheery in class. Or is it only when you hang out with your little girlfriend? What's-her-face, Marles?"

I sat up angrily. "What did you just call her?"

"See? You're grumpy."

"Because you're insulting my best friend! Marley's way better company than you will ever be, and I actually do like her as a person. She's pretty, she's smart, she's good at come-backs, and she likes me as a person. She knows me better than anyone, and I would be just as mindless as the cheerleaders that swoon over you like your Brad Pitt or something without her to keep me sane." I crossed my arms and glared at him icily. 

Jay looked startled for a moment. "Huh. Sounds like you like her."

"I do. She's my best friend, and the best person in the whole fucking school." I sighed. "Just shut the fuck up about her, okay? We're just friends, and besides, she's a lesbian. She likes girls, like I do, but I don't like her."

Jay nodded. "Alright, alright. I'm sorry."

"You should be."

Jay smiled at me. "You're so cute when you're angry, Sunshine. Your nose gets all wrinkly and your brows furrow and you get all pouty. You're so grouchy, like a grumpy cat."

My face burned again. "Stop calling me Sunshine!"

Jay rose to his feet and started walking over to me. "You know, maybe you'd be less grumpy if I gave you a little kiss to make you feel better." He leaned against my bed, planting his hands on either side of my leg. My eyes widened and I pressed against my wall.

"Woahh, no, no, no. Absolutely not!"

Jay pouted. "Come on~ Just a little taste?"

My face burned and goosebumps tingled on my arms. "I-I-" I stammered. I pushed his face away from me. "No! No, I don't like guys like that! I'm not gay, and I-I especially don't like you! Get away from me-!"

Jay climbed on top of the bed, kneeling on either side of me. "Come on, Sunshine. I just want a tiny, tiny little taste. That's it. A quick kiss isn't gay, is it?"

I blinked. "I-I don't know, I don't want to-"

Jay pouted. "Alright, how about I kiss somewhere else? That isn't gay, is it?"

My face was on fire. "Where...?"

Jay's lips connected with the skin at the base of my neck, his soft mouth closing around the dip between my neck and my shoulder. I gasped at the cold feeling of his mouth on me, and then he pulled away briefly, littering the moist section with soft feather kisses that made me squirm. Why didn't I want to push him away?

"Ahh~" I whispered, bending my head over his shoulder. "That feels so weird- s-stop," I mumbled, slipping my hand between his mouth and my skin.

Jay pulled away, his gray eyes gleaming as he stared at me. "Why? Don't you like it?"

"N-No, no, I don't," I protested, squirming away from him. 

Jay's legs tightened, squishing my thighs together. Jay bent down and grabbed my thighs with his fingers, kneading my legs with his fingers. I swatted his hands away. "Stop!" I whined. I wriggled my leg out from under him and kicked him off of the bed. "I don't want you to kiss me. I'm not gay. I don't like you, and I wouldn't, even if I was."

Jay frowned. "Aw, come on. Please?" He blinked innocently at me, widening his gaze to make puppy dog eyes at me.

Why... why does he want to kiss me? I wondered. He had every girl, every guy, at his fingertips yet he wanted to tease me. I grimaced. Of course, he was just messing with me, wasn't he? He didn't actually want to kiss me. It was like when he took my spot at the lunch table. I shoved him off my bed. "No, no. Fuck you." I crossed my arms and looked away, bringing my knees up to my chest. "I don't want to kiss you, and I know damn well you don't want to kiss me. I knew I should've just told Mr. Summers to get me a new partner. I'd rather not do the project at all than work on it with you. Look, can you just go? Please?"

Jay tilted his head, confused. "Abe? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you-"

"I don't care. You fucking did. Can you just get out of my house?"

Jay looked hurt for a moment. "No, no Abe please don't be mad- I was just having fun. I won't do it again, I swear. Can we just finish the project? I promise, no more teasing." I watched in shock as Abe got down on his knees, kneeling in front of my bed. "Please? Please? Please?" he begged.

I blinked. "I..." I scoffed, trying to hide how flustered I was. I think this was the first and only time anyone this fucking buff, this fucking hot, would ever be on their knees for me. "Whatever. You can say. Just stop begging. You look like a dog."

Jay smiled and rose to his feet. He clambered up onto my bed, sitting a couple feet away from cross-legged. I crossed my arms and turned away. "Don't look so excited," I muttered. "It's not that big of a deal. You're so dramatic."

Jay smiled. "I don't like people being mad at me," he said with a shrug.

"Then why do you annoy me so much?"

Jay shrugged. "I don't think you're actually mad at me. Besides, it's worth it to see you look all grumpy." He slid the book towards him. "Alright, let's go through some of the poems in the first few chapters. Then we'll pick the ones we want and we can get started."

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