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"Hey! Wait!" Jay called, hurrying after me down the hall.

I stopped at the end of the hall, waiting for him to catch up. Jay panted slightly. "Jeez, you're fast. What are you trying to run from?" He wheezed.

"You," I retorted bitterly. 

Jay frowned, his gaze flashing. "Aren't you a little ray of sunshine." He smirked at me. "I'm going to start calling you that, Sunshine. I think it suits you-" He said, reaching up a hand and flicking me in the forehead.

I glared at him, shoving his arm away with both hands. "Stop it! And don't call me that!" I cried, swatting him away from me. Jay looked at me the way you would look at an angry puppy trying to tug on your pant cuffs. I was barely bothering him, but he seemed intent on tormenting me.

Jay glanced around the hallway. He pulled out his phone and waved it in my face the way you would dangle a toy in front of a kitten. I took the bait and swatted at it, earning a triumphant grin from Jay. He was definitely enjoying this. I'd punch him in the face if he wasn't like half a foot taller than me and I didn't have to tilt my head upwards to meet his gaze.  

"I need your number, Sunshine, so that we can meet up for the project. How far away do you live from the public library? Otherwise my mom has poetry books we could borrow," Jay said, handing his phone to me. 

I refused to take it. "I'm not giving you my number. I'm not doing this stupid project either. I'm telling Mr. Summers that we can't work together, and you can find someone else to do it. I'll take an F, I don't care."

Jay arched his eyebrow. "Are you seriously that big of a baby?"

"Excuse me?"

"You can't even handle working on one little project with me? Do I scare you that much that you can't even read a bit of poetry? Honestly. I thought you were some big tough guy when I first got here. Guess you're kind of a wimp." Jay gave a shrug, as if there was nothing that could be done to help it. 

My face turned bright red. "I'm not a wimp! Or a baby! I just don't want to do this stupid project with you, okay?! Goddamn you're annoying!" I exclaimed, moving to walk around him. "I'm going back to the band room-" I snapped, preparing to shoulder past him again, but Jay stood in the middle of the hallway, blocking my way. He had a bodyguard stance, arms crossed, shoulders squared, feet planted. There was no way I could get past him, but I could still try. I pressed against him, trying to squeeze myself through the gap between his arm and the wall. He didn't even budge. Instead, he shouldered me away and back into the hall.

"I want to know exactly why you don't want to work on this with me," Jay insisted, blocking my way back to the band room.

I glared at him, crossing my arms and staring at him defiantly. "It doesn't matter. I'm not doing this project with you, and there's nothing you can say or do to stop me!" I growled, kicking at his leg with my shoe. His leg didn't even move, nor did he flinched away from my swinging leg. That just annoyed me even more.

Jay arched his eyebrow. "Are you done?" Jay narrowed his eyes at me. "Are you homophobic or something? Do you not like that I'm gay?" he questioned.

"What? No! Marley's a lesbian, and she's my best friend!" I cried. "I don't care that you're gay. I just don't like you. It has nothing to do with you sticking your dick in other guys or having dicks stuck in you."

Jay let out a snort of laughter. "You're so cute, Sunshine, when you try to act tough."

"I'm not acting!" I cried, stomping my foot.

Jay grinned, looking down at me. "Oh my god, you are adorable!" Jay crowed, leaning against the wall. "I could watch you all day. It's like a National Geographic documentary but about an angry puppy."

My face burned. "Shut up!" I wanted to punch him in his stupid face. How dare he- I wasn't adorable! I was tough, I was strong! "Y-You're such a dumbass!" I spluttered, hiding my face in my sweatshirt.

"Aww, are you blushing?" Jay teased.

"No! I'm red because I'm pissed off!" I snapped. "J-Just go away! Leave me alone!"

"We're partners, remember, Sunshine?" Jay said, crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall. "So, where do you want to work on our poetry project then?"

I dropped the sweatshirt, staring angrily at my shoes. "Fine. We can work on it at my house. My mom's never home. I don't want her thinking we're friends."

"I wouldn't have it any other way, Sunshine." He held out his phone. "Does this mean I get your phone number?"

"Fine. But you only get to text me for project shit. Nothing else," I said with a frustrated huff, snatching the phone away out of his hand. I couldn't believe I had let him win. I angrily typed in my phone number. How was he so good at pissing me off? I was still blushing furiously as I handed back his cellphone. "Can I go now? Douchebag," I grumbled.

Jay arched his eyebrow. "What was that?"

"I said-"

"Yeah, I heard you Sunshine. I want to know where you got your attitude from. You think you can just talk back to me?" Jay asked, his eyes flashing dangerously.

My stomach dropped. I shook my head. "You're not the boss of me. I can say what I want." I pressed my finger into his chest and pushed him against the wall and walked past him, back towards the band room, refusing to look back at him as I made my way back to Jill's office and away from the annoying bastard's smug smiles.

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