2. What's the Catch?

Start from the beginning

'I swear it.'

'Do you know this man?' tywin questioned looking to his son. Tyrion stared at her confused what was she doing?

'Yes.' Shae answered 'Tyrion Lannister.'

'How do you know him?'

'I was A handmaiden to his wife's sister, Sansa Stark.' she told everyone and tyrion shook his head confused.

''This man stands accused of murdering King Joffrey what do you know if this?'

'I know that he is guilty he and Sansa planned it together.' Shae informed them. "Her bitch sister too." Rieka smirked leaning back in her chair. Cersei looked to Rieka knowing she didnt kill Joffrey and that this whores testimony was lies but blaming Rieka was not part of the plan.

'Silence!' Tywin demanded as the crowd started to erupt in gasps of horror. 'continue...'

'she wanted revenge for her father her mother and her brother she blamed their death on the king she told him, she told tyrion and Tyrion was happy to help.' Shae informed them all, tywin tried to hide the smug look from his face. ''He hated Joffrey he hated the queen he hated you my Lord. He stole poison from the grandmasters chamber to put in Joffreys wine.'

'how could you possibly know all this?' Oberyn questioned 'why would he reveal such plans to his wife's sisters maid?'

'I was not just her maid. I was his...' shae looked over a brief moment at tyrion. 'whore...' The crowd continue to murmur of appalled whispers Mace spoke up

'I'm sorry do you say that you were his...'

'His whore' shae said louder. Tyrion couldn't breathe, why was she doing this?

'How did you come to be in his service?' Mace questioned.

'He stole me I was with another man a knight in the Lord Lannisters army but when tyrion arrived at the camp he sent one of his cutthroats into our tent he broke the knights arm and brought me to Lord tyrion...' Rieka looked to Tyrion as Shae spoke and he looked just as sick as herself.

''He said you belong to me now I want to fuck me like it's my last night in this world.' Shae went on. Tyrion pleaded with shae to look at him as the crowd irrupt it with laughter. Rieka was going to be sick. She got up but was grabbed. Jaime moved to her.

'Silence... Silence.' Tywin shouted.

'Did you?' Oberyn questioned with a grin.

'Did I what?' shae questioned.

'Did you fuck him like he was the last night in this world?' he questioned with a chuckle.

'I did everything he wanted,' she told them confidently, not daring to look at Tyrion while he couldn't fathom what she was doing, why she was doing this. 'whatever he told me to do to him whatever he felt like doing to me I kissed him where he wanted I licked him where he wanted I let him put himself where he wanted.' she went on 'I was his property I would wait in his chamber for hours so he could use me when he was bored.' Tyrion noticed the smug look on cersei's face. 'he ordered me to call him my lion so I did. I took his face in my hands and said I am yours and you're mine.'

'Please don't.' Tyrion spoke up and he locked eyes with shae but her face showed no emotion.

'I am a whore.'

"Rieka-" Jaime lead her out the door and she doubled over dizzy. "RIEKA!"

"I'm..." Rieka gagged on the air and Jaime helped her up moving her to the nearest room and she crawled to the chamber pot just barely making it. "What the hell was that!" Rieka shouted wiping her lips.

"I dont know," Jaime admitted.

"She was gone, Bronn got rid of her."

"You knew?" Jaime countered.

"Yes, I knew, I knew she was a whore when I first met her and then she was in sansas service but sansa didnt conspirse with Tyrion!" Rieka begged.

"I believe you."

"And I certainly did kill joffrey although I wish I did now!" Rieka spat before turning back to the chamber pot.

"Father, I wish to confess. I wish to confess!' Tyrion declared clearing his throat.

'You wish to confess?" Tywin looked pleased as he leaned forward in the Iron Throne. Tyrion turned to the crowd.

"I saved you. I saved this city. All your worthless lives. I should have let Stannis kill you all." Everyone watching happily turned angry, yelling and shouting in outrage.

"Tyrion, do you wish to confess?" Tywin said loudly to get the crowd to quiet down and get his sons attention. Tyrion's eyes landed on his Shae.

"Yes, father. I'm guilty. Guilty. Is that what you want to hear?"

"You admit you poisoned the king?"

"No. Of that, I'm innocent. I'm guilty of a far more monstrous crime. I'm guilty of being a dwarf." Tyrion informed him. Tywin scoffed.

"You are not on trial for being a dwarf." Tywin reminded him.

"Oh, yes I am. I've been on trial for that my entire life."

"Have you nothing to say in your defense?"

"Nothing but this... I did not do it." He then turned to Cersei, his anger bursting out of him, "I did not kill Joffrey, but I wish that I had! Watching your vicious bastard die gave me more relief than a thousand lying whores!" Tyrion then turned to the crowd his eyes ablaze with anger, "I wish I was the monster you think I am! I wish I had enough poison for the whole pack of you! I would gladly give my life to watch you all swallow it!" his audience started shouting again.

"Tyrion is shouting." Rieka whispered wiping her lip.

"I dont want to leave you." Jaime countered.

"I will be find." Rieka murmured. "Check on him, please. Please, please Jaime just check on him, make sure he doesnt lose his head like my father did."

"I will not give my life for Joffery's murder and I know I'll get no justice here, so I will let the gods decide my fate. I demand a trial by combat."

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