The Bad Boy, Cupid & Me [ 2 ]

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If I thought last night's encounter with five teenage guys was the scariest experience of my life, I was soon to be proven wrong.

"Prescott Private College is for those with fervor, intelligence and a bright future." Our Headmaster began,

"We do not tolerate impertinent behavior and severe consequences will apply for those involved with last night's incident.

"My many, many years of experience have taught me to discern the acts of vandalism of school property by a student than those from a stranger. Taking that in mind, every single student will be questioned.

"I encourage pupils who are retaining information to notify me as soon as possible. Reckless manners are not part of what Prescott Private abides. Expulsion applies to those responsible.

"Questioning begins tomorrow morning and unless we're provided with a medical certificate for your absence; you too will no longer be a part of Prescott Private College."

Yup. Definitely scarier.

No one uttered a word. Not even a tiny whisper to the person sitting beside you. Our Headmaster had managed to create the most intimidating atmosphere, it seemed like everyone was finding it hard to breathe.

Or maybe it was just me.

My heart was hammering so hard, I was convinced our Headmaster could hear it. I couldn't even look directly into her eyes as she spoke in case she noticed I was hiding something.

Which brought me to my question. Was I going to speak up?

What would I say?

I got locked inside school and saw it happen. Sorry, I can't tell you who they were – they had their masquerade-looking masks on.  OH WAIT – BIG CLUE – THE MAIN LEADER WAS A HOT GUY WITH A SPANISH ACCENT!

Yeah, no.

Prescott Private School meant the world to me. I met the amazing people I call my friends, the teachers love me, I'm involved in the school's activities, it supports my academic achievements...Prescott is my pathway to my bright future.

I won't risk that.


I licked the spoon of my passion fruit flavored yoghurt and enjoyed the mini tanning session with Gabby.

And Charlie.

"Damn you guys. Life is so unfair," Allie whined. "You can all stay in the sun for hours and get a sexy tan, but me? Oh no, three minutes and I become a frikin tomato!" We tried to hold back our laughter, knowing she'd probably hit us or something.

"Then again," Allie continued. "None of you are wearing sunscreen, skin cancer in progress."

The three of us quickly sat up to seek refuge under the shade.

Allie, Charlie and Gabby started arguing that the chances of getting Vitamin D was more than the possibility of getting skin cancer. It was actually funny to watch. Charlie kept examining his skin every two minutes. What a paranoid little boy.

And then I froze.

It was them. All five guys from last night just walked around the corner of the back of the school. It was so easy to recognize them. So easy to recognize him.

"Chloe, are you okay?"

"Gabby, who's the guy in the gray shirt down by the soccer courts?" Gabby followed my gaze – and so did Allie and Charlie.

"Oh him?! As if you don't know! That's Reece Carter." she winked.

"What do you mean 'as if I don't know'?"

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