Not Everything Goes as Planned pt. 1

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The school bell buzzes, ringing the end of class.

I started putting away my notes inside my bag, preparing to leave this uninteresting place. There is nothing to do here after all, one by one, others also start leaving their seats and heading their way to the exit of the classroom.

Aside from Hirata, Kushida, Sudou and the few others that were waiting for Chabashira-sensei to return from the faculty.

Today is the day of the meeting, that's why. But I’d nothing to do with it. I already did my part last night but I didn't bother telling them about it because I don't want to be dragged further.

Sakura, who's still sitting meekly at her chair, crossed my line of sight and she also happened to be looking at me. We locked our gaze for a few seconds then averted her gaze the instant she noticed it.

I hope she will give her best while keeping in mind to not push herself. She was quite a pain in the neck to deal with, not only is her self esteem too low but also keeps thinking of unnecessary things, rather than focusing on herself.

Lastly, she said she's something that she will share with me… I expect nothing but trouble about that though.


I went straight to the doorway, completely ignoring those pairs of eyes seeking my attention.

Since the day I treated her like a stranger Kushida begins to keep her distance from me, but gives me some intense stares from time to time.

However, I’ll say she's just making a fool of herself.

A girl's tears can't even shake my resolve, what can those pleading eyes even do?

Just as I was about to reach the handle, the door suddenly slammed open and then a figure of Chabashira-sensei stood on the other side.

“Great timing, Ayanokouji-kun,” she said.

“Pardon?” I asked in reflex, genuinely shocked about her statement.

“I was about to order someone to call you, but since you're here, there is no need to do that, Ahem!” she cleared her throat. “You, together with Kushida-san and the eyewitness, will attend the meeting to prove Sudou-kun’s innocence.”

Another curve ball was thrown by my side giving me a sudden headache for this completely out-of-the-blue development.

Even my natural poker face couldn't hide my shock and so did the others in the classroom.

“Wait, sensei! I think you mentioned the wrong name.”

I heard a complaint behind me, so I turned my head and found Yukimura.

“It’s supposed to be Hirata, yes? Not the guy who doesn't contribute anything to address the issue.” 

The others bob their heads, agreeing with his statement, aside from two people who were aware of it.

“... I don't want to be rude to you, sensei, but I want to take Ayanokouji-kun’s place.”

Hirata with a hint of unease said his piece to Chabashira-sensei.

I hate to admit but I agreed with them. There is no merit in me going there. Instead of helping in this case, it's more likely that I’ll drag it, either deliberately or accidentally, from a certain point of view.

I don't know what sensei is cooking, but I hate it.

“You don't have a problem with Hirata-kun replacing you, Ayanokouji-kun, right?” Kushida turned her face to me.

CLASSROOM OF THE ELITE X QUINTS: Complicated FeelingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora