~10~: Jealousy over abilities

Start from the beginning


With that he finally let me down so I could stand on my own and in the next second there was a cute little black bunny hopping from underneath the chair. It looked soo cute that I immediately went for it. Said bunny also came closer to me till I could crouch down and look at it. It was soo cute as it was staying there for a bit on his two back legs and looking at me before hopping closer and closer.

"Aww soo cute!"

Of course I couldn't help myself and wanted to pet it soo badly that I just picked it up and I was surprised that it was cold yet it was so soft that I wanted to keep it in my hands and I especially wanted to play with it.

"Do you like it?"


I probably should have focused on my surroundings but I didn't care about this. When would I have the chance to hold and pet a bunny like this after all. Besides now I definitely knew what the book meant with "...the creatures he created will come alive..." that was definitely an understatement. This was just amazing.

"Father, how about a lion or a wolf?"

"Alex, that would scare her! She is around six! Cute creatures are the best for her age!"

"But Ryan, Lions are soo cute with their fur as well."

"A lion?"

"Do you like Lions?"

"Father, I don't think she's ever seen one."

What do you mean, I have never seen one?!

There is a place called the zoo!

Of course I saw them but they are not that majestic. If you ask me, I would prefer a tiger ofer a lion.

Though if I could actually choose.. Then I want to see a fox or a wolf cause how would I hug them?!

It took me a bit to realize that I as a person should have never seen any lions before but not as the person possessing this body. For a normal person living in the modern area, seeing a lion or an elephant would be pretty normal. I mean there was something called the internet and just putting the name in would give me pictures out and all the information I never wanted to know about it. Most of the time it was not relevant and whenever I needed something I would rather search online than go to a library. It was seriously something I was really used to that it took me a bit longer to realize that things were different here. As of now, they were not bad, just different.

"Vivi, can you let go of the bunny for a bit?"

It was a short notice from my father but I did as he asked and the next moment the bunny turned into a huge lion. Now I really wanted to see something else.

"Can you do a wolf?"

"If my little princess wants it."

Now the lion shifted and became a wolf. Oh how pretty looked with the black fur and the red eyes. It was stunning and who can blame me for running towards it and hugging it. The tail of this wolf started shaking from happiness and I buried my face into the fur which was soft and reminded me of clouds. So pretty and lively.

"HAH! See, she likes it!"

"You are right Alex...."

"Vivi, do you like the small bunny or this wolf more?"

"The wolf!"

I didn't need to think about the answer twice. This wolf was soo cool and it was soo nice to have around. It is kinda really sad to know that it would vanish soon again. However I knew I could always ask my father to create another one of them.

"Then this child will be yours."

Hold on!

What did he just say?


"Is this really a wise decision, father?"

"Yes. I would rather have an eye on her than give Rosetta another chance to hurt her."

"Ah I see. A personal protector."

"Why don't we have one then?"

"Because you are my sons and no one would dare to hurt you two."

"That was a bit of a stupid question Alex."

"You know how long I begged to play with one of them!"

The conversation took a sudden turn and Alex and Ryan started to argue about these creatures made out of shadows. Apparently they both were not allowed to play with them and I was getting special treatment about now. I can't blame them though. I would be jealous as well seeing how cute and lively they were. It's not as if they were just mindless creatures. They interacted with me and they let me do what I wanted with them. At this point the wolf was laying on the ground like a puppy and I was hugging it and petting its belly and just cuddling with this huge wolf. All in all it was just perfect. There was nothing I could honestly wish for more.

"Do you guys want to take the wolf away from her?"



"Then this conversation is over."

"Ah I nearly forgot to report this to you father."

"Not now. Later Ryan."

"I understand."

While these people were talking about who knows what, I was too busy playing with the wolf to realize anything and I mean anything. After the whole room fell silent for quite a while, I started to look up and see them all smile at me while I was doing whatever I was doing. I couldn't even describe it at all besides burying myself into the fluff of the wolf. Well however it looked, I was sure it must have looked really weird to them. But did I care about this? No. Not one bit. Why should I care if I was on cloud who knows which one because of this heaven.

"Vivi, do you want to go to the capital tomorrow?"


No need to think about it for long.

The capital is poison!

All these people would only try to prey into everything and then make something toxic up to ruin someone.

I don't like it!

I don't want this.


"Is there a reason why you don't want to go with this big brother?

"Too many people."

"How about I buy you a pretty dress and some jewelry? Would you want to go then?"

"No. Don't need them."

"You will need it for the moons festival."

"Moons festival?"

I knew what it was but not when it was besides that was the time when I for sure had to make sure that I would display a manor fitting of an Underwood. Thank god I knew what my grandfather liked to see in people so I was kinda prepared but it would still be nerve wracking to say the least.

"Yes, this is a family gathering while everyone is celebrating that we are protecting this land. It is a very important day. You should be on your best behavior and look the part as well. So why not take up the offer and go with Ryan?"

"... alright..."

The only reason why I was not soo keen to go out was because of the people and them knowing my fathers weird little hobby about adopting kids. They would for sure start slandering me and do everything they could to make me feel like dirt. I hated just the thought of dealing with them.

While I froze for a second, this wolf stood up and moved in front of me and then started growling at my father and my brothers. This was unexpected and that was definitely something that they also didn't expect at all.


Is that all you're gonna say?

For once I went to the wolf, hugged it and then decided to deescalate this small situation while hugging the wolf and then running to my father to hug him next.

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