Patrick: why are you two doing this.

Rhea: we've spent years, watching you live the life that we should've had.

Patrick: (he put two and two together) you're earths Wally died.

Rhea: shut up! (She kicked him across the street) don't you dare say his name!

Patrick: (he stood up) Donna, Patrick, I know your two lost everything on your earth, but you don't have to do this.

Atlas: spare us the Thor speech. We aren't interested In starting over, only revenge.

Heimdall: stop...

Rhea spun around and punched him in the stomach.

Rhea: oh your so annoying.

She turned around to face Lightning Rod.

Rhea: we are going to kill you, and everyone you love.

Suddenly a massive green flash knocked the two back, and a figure apeared.

Cronus: miss me?



Artemis, Canary, Arrow, Wally and Donna were all watching the situation on the Watchtower.

Black Canary: he cant hold them off forever.

Artemis: agreed.

Donna: if he's gonna survive this, we're gonna need a idea. A big one.

Artemis: not a big one. A fast one.

She ran off towards the armory and grabbed Cronus's scythe. She then proceeded to run to the cells, and faced Cronus.

Cronus: no need to explain miss Lance. I'll help your husband. Just give me my powers back.



Cronus: miss me?

Patrick: save it Cronus. If your powers are back, it's for a reason.

Cronus: right, in exchange, I've agreed to help you take down some psychopaths.

Rhea: Lightning Rod! You coward!

Lightning Rod looked at his arch nemesis who had a green aura. The two stood side by side facing Atlas and Rhea.

Atlas: joining up with our worst enemy, just to take us down? That's very flattering Lightning Rod! But it wont do you any good! Are you really willing to kill yourself!?

Atlas rush Lightning Rod and swung a sword at him, while Rhea and Cronus fought off to the left.

Patrick and Atlas both threw punched, the white lightning mixed with yellow lightning. Atlas threw Patrick into a nearby truck, causing some civilians to scatter. Atlas wasted no time jumping on the sone of Zeus, pummeling his face in.

Atlas: you are living the life, I was meant to live! You stole my life!

Atlas picked him up by the shoulder and punched him the the face causing blood to scatter across the ground.

Atlas: I HATE YOU!

Atlas drew his blade but Patrick parroted and punched Atlas once, knocking him out.

Patrick looked over to see Cronus stab Rhea in the stomach.


Cronus pulled the sword from her gut as she dropped to the ground. Patrick rushed over and checked a pulse. Thankfully she was alive.

Patrick: you almost killed her!

Cronus: wasn't that the plan? Did you not need help, dealing with a threat? Well I held up my end of the bargain, now what's stopping me from ending you?

Patrick I'm only going to say this now. Walk away while you still can.

Cronus: oh please, Lance, you're to weak to stop me (he slowly moved forward) and I'm just. Getting. (His eyes glowed green and his voice vibrated) STARTED!

Cronus threw a punch at super speed but Patrick's body flickered lightning as Cronus's punched barley moved to him, he looked at his rival thinking about the old days.

The days where Cronus moved faster than he could.

The days Cronus was stronger.

The days he was smarted.

The days Patrick used to fear the titan.

Patrick grabbed Cronus's arm and threw him across the street. The titan came out of super speed and looked at the demigod in shock, as Patrick's eyes flickered yellow lightning.

Cronus: what did you do!?

He stood up.

Cronus: I am time it's self, I am a titan A GOD! I am more power WHAT DID YOU DO!?

Patrick: I got faster. stronger. smarter. Didn't you?

Cronus: no, but mark my words, I will Lightning Rod, I will.

Cronus attempted to rushed off but was blasted by lightning and knocked back. Lightning Rod Stumbled back in shock as a figure with a grey beard and long white hair.

He had yellow eyes.

Patrick: who are you?

Unknown: I think you know, I am a true god, who has returned to restore earth to its former glory. I am the true god of the sky, unlike you.

Patrick narrowed his eyes as the realization hit him.

Zeus: you are pathetic, my son.

We are almost done. I'm think one or two more chapters.

Let's take a moment of silence in honor of this book.

Any way I'm thinking that for fun I could make a poll. After the last chapter I was thinking of make a poll about this fanfic for you guys to answer.

Oh and I'm going to release a bio for another OC insert soon.

That's all for now, until next time. PEACE.

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