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Recognized Lightning Rod, B-0-1

Artemis B-0-7

Lightning Rod: what's happening?!

Captain Atom: The natural disasters have escalated. The League is spread thin. But what's interesting is that they are pinpointed on Mount Etna.

Blue Beetle: does the name, Typhoon mean anything to you LR?

Lightning Rod: oh god. They God killer. They're trying to release it. We can't let that happen.

Blue Beetle: it's Black Beetle MFD'S the magnetic field disruptors placed across earth. They're causing not-so-natural disasters to wake Typhoon, so he can end the world.

Atom: how do we stop it?

Blue Beetle: I don't know. Because Black Beetle didn't know either. There's no fail safe. This was an endgame.

Donna: there must be something we can do.

Incoming transmission from UN

The screen showed Lex Luthor

Atom: Luthor?! What are you-

Luthor: The secretary was kind enough to let me borrow his frequency as I have a possible solution.

Patrick: speak.

Luthor: lex corps has created anti-reach software. A virus that should disable the Magnetic Field Disruptors. Now I believe time is of the essence.

Patrick: That'll take too long. We have five minutes at best.

Before anyone could respond he was gone in a flash of yellow light.


Patrick stood on the pantheon overlooking the gorgeous city.

Patrick: sorry huntress. I always thought we'd have more time.


Donna: what's he doing?

Black Canary: he's trying to stop the storms with his powers.

Donna: what?! his body can't handle that!

Artemis: get him on comms, now!

Green Arrow franticly tapped on the screen and got Patrick on comms.

Artemis: Patrick! What are you doing!?

Patrick: I can't let Cronus destroy the world. I cant let you die.

Artemis: what about you? What gives you the right to die?! I'm-- I'm supposed to be Artemis-Crock-Lance in a year. Please! Don't do this!

Young Justice: The Lightning RodWhere stories live. Discover now