The Tragedy Of Patrick Lance

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(Very short chapter btw)

The Tragedy Of Patrick Lance


Patrick: nice suit. You look just like me. Well, except the black hair, the gender, the lack of scars on your face, (he pointed to the burnt left side of his face) yeah, you look nothing like me.

Donna: you're not so scary without your armor.

Patrick: What can I say, I outgrew yellow.

Donna: so, you're alive? You've been alive all this time?

Patrick: Yes and no. You're Patrick is alive, yes. But I'm not you're Patrick. I'm from a place call earth 68. This is earth 4. but from my time here, my essence has merged with the Patrick from this earth. Who is currently going through hell in Tartarus. But you're not here to talk about that one, cause you need to beat me first.

Donna: When I went to Tartarus, the guard said that you slaughter the light, the League, and us on your earth? Why?!


Patrick caught himself. He took a deep breath.

Patrick: do you remember when Artemis faked her death?

Donna: you were broken.

Patrick: this Patrick was lucky. When he stabbed "Tigress" she lived. He got to have a chance with her.

Donna: but what about yours?

Patrick: when I stabbed "Tigress" on my earth, she died.

Donna stood in shock, processing this information.

Donna: you-

Patrick: yup. But it doesn't end there. See, that's when I killed Savage. But when I was caught by Batman. He gave me another chance. He locked me in a cell, the same one you locked this Patrick in. A few months later, I thought I was getting better. But then, you all had the lovely idea to lock me in Tartarus, great idea. I was about to forgive Nightwing, but then. YOU. BETRAYED. ME! I HAD TO REWATCH ARTEMIS'S DEATH FOR SEVEN YEARS! ALL BEACUSE YOU COWARDS, COULDN'T HELP ME!

Donna: Patrick-


Donna: why do you want to kill Artemis?

Patrick: Heh. When I said I merged with this world's Patrick, I'm starting to get erased from existence. So, for me to live, I need this Patrick to become Atlas, and for that, Artemis, must die.

Donna: But beneath those scars, beneath that face, you still remember singing to her, you remember loving her. Are you sure you can do this?

Patrick: It's her, or me. I lost my humanity in Tartarus, I may remember loving her, but that man is gone.

Patrick walked back to his armor, but Donna knocked him to the ground. She tried to grab him, but he let out a supersonic scream and sent her flying. The siblings charged each other again and shot lightning burning nearby forest. When Donna looked up to the sight of Patrick being gone. Along with the armor. She sighed in despiar then let out a scream of anguish

Donna: we left him for two years...



Patrick: What do you want Grayson?

Dick: I'm sorry about Artemis.

Patrick: Don't!

Dick: and this.

Patrick: what?

Dick: I'm sending you to Tartarus.

Patrick: what!? You don't understand! That's hell! I'll be forced to relive her death! Don't Dick! Please!

Dick: I'm sorry. This is for the good of the world.

A red portal opened and sucked Patrick through as he screamed in terror. The doors flew open as Black Canary Stared at him in horror.

Black Canary: what did you do Nightwing?!


Remember how innocent Patrick was?

Anyway, that's all for now, until next time, Peace

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