A Luxury

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(Takes place only a week after the endgame)

A Luxury



Kaldur stood in front of the memorial that had been placed on the watchtower in between the memorial for Thor and Jason. Along with Tula's and Ted's.

Kaldur sighed as Nightwing walked in with civilian cloths

Dick: you ok?

Kaldur: it is hard. We have done everything. Notified his friends and family, brought the man responsible for this to justice, attended this funeral, and the lighting of this hologram. Yet it still does not feel real.

Dick: maybe you need a break. Y'know when Tula died, you never had time to mourn. Instead you immediately went undercover with Black Manta. You held Artemis when she believed Patrick would never forgive her. You assured her it would all be okay. And when Thor died, you blamed yourself, but kept going, with no time to mourn. And now Patrick... Kaldur, you've always been the adult, the leader, the rock, we all lean on, but maybe you need a break, before all this breaks you.

Kaldur: I... no, I will be fine. Thank you for your concern, but I must lead the team on a new mission.

Kaldur pushed past him and went towards the meeting room.

Dick sighed and followed.

When Kaldur arrived the Justice League looked at him.

Aquaman: Kaldur'ahm we have a mission for your team.

Kaldur: what is it my king?

Batman: with the Reach defeated, the eggs that started the natural disasters are deactivated. Cronus is powerless and in a prison. But the eggs can still be recovered by our enemies. And used against us. We want you to take Baldur and a small squad from your team to guard the truck transporting them to a nearby star labs.

Kaldur: I will take Miss Martian, Superboy and Kid Flash. We will not let you down.

Batman: meet with Baldur in the lounge.

Kaldur walked to the lounge and meet Baldur.

Baldur: before we go, I need to ask you something.

Kaldur: ask me.

Baldur: Patrick was your best friend, correct?

Kaldur: yes, may I ask why this is important.

Baldur: its nothing, you just seem completely fine considering this happened just a few days ago.

Kaldur: I cant afford to fall into pieces. I have a team to leave.

Baldur: hmmm, do you know how many people we lost in Asgard once Zeus invaded?

Kaldur: countless I'm sure.

Baldur: not countless. Counted. 1,820,278. Im the god of purity and humanity. To continue to keep doing my job, I had to grieve the men and women I lost. I felt the weight of all of their deaths, I still do.

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