Drop Zone

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Drop Zone

Caribbean Sea

Miss Martian: we are approaching Santa Prisca

The ride on the Bio-Ship was quiet for the most part, Robin was thinking back to the mission briefing.

Mount Justice

2 Hour earlier

The team was standing in their casual clothes. All eyes were glued to the screen Batman and Red Tornado were showing

Batman: Isla Santa Prisca, this island nation is the primary source of a dangerous and illegal neurosteriod. A strength enhancing drup sold under the street name venom. Heat signatures indicate their factory is at full capacity, but all shipments of venom have been explicitly cut off. That is where the team comes in. This is a covert recon mission only. Observe and report. If the Justice League needs to intervene, it will. (The screen changed) the plan requires two drop zones.

Robin: So who's in charge?

Red Tornado and Batman turned around and faced Robin.

Batman: work that out between you.

Robin smirked and nodded.

Robin was snapped out of his trance by Miss Martian

Miss Martian: drop zone A in 30

Aqualad got up out of his chair and pressed the Atlantean symbol on his belt. The red parts of his suit changed to gray as he walked towards the newly formed hole in the ship.

Aqualad: Ready

Miss Martian: putting bioship in camouflage mode.

Then Aqualad jumped and began to swim under the water while the others flew towards the island. he disabled the sensors once he arrived.

Aqualad: (over comms) heat and motion sensors are on a continuous loop, move in.

The ship hovered over a random spot in the forest. Miss Martian had the ship release the cables to enter stealthy. Kid Flash turned on his stealth gear which is mostly gray. He turned to Miss Martian.

Kid Flash: how cool is this?

Miss Martian: very impressive.

She closed her eyes as her red, white and blue uniform changed to red and black, her cape grew a hood on it. Kid Flash stood there with wide eyes

Kid Flash: uhm that works too. Hey Supes, Lightning, still not too late to put on the new stealth tech.

Superboy: no capes, no tights. No offense.

Lightning Rod: agreed.

Miss Martian: it totally works for you... in that you can totally do good work in those clothes.

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