~9~: Meet the brothers

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I never actually... wait!

Look at how happy he is!

Can't believe you are this type of guys.

But it's kinda cute to see him like that!

This is why he could be such a great father if he wouldn't be a jerk in the book!

I soo hope I am remembering this either wrong or that the characters are different.... Tho I never got a character wrong ever!

And they say I am the child here!


"Alright. Viviana, care to explain why you have a whip in your hand?"

Ah, there it was. I knew at some point I had to explain what just happened and this was the best way to do it anyways. Not as if he looked angry at me at all. There was just one problem here. I was still holding the whip in one hand and I was not so sure how to explain that I didn't have any wounds at all.

"That monkey whipped me earlier and Emi too!"


"Alex, hold it back."

Says the one who is nearly laughing as well...

You can't even hold it back as well and you ask him to do that?!


"What brother? You heard it. Rosetta is a monkey now."

"She certainly does behave like one."

"Both of you stop it."

"Yes father"

"Yes father"

Well this was quite easy to be resolved.

Is calling her a monkey that much of a big deal?

Where is the problem with doing that anyways?!



Now what do I call her instead of a monkey?

A bitch?

A lunatic?

A psychopath?

Can't do that...

"Well, Emi and that butler started to walk me here. When we found that pig."


Gotcha as well as my oldest brother!


"Now is your turn to not laugh brother Ryan."

"I am sorry."

"Alright and what happened then?"

"Emi shielded me from her and got whipped. Then she found me and whipped me."

The moment I mentioned that I got whipped, all the snickering on the table and everything stopped and I felt this heavy presence that couldn't be described differently than them being either concerned or angry. Well I didn't care and wanted to continue my story since the thing was, no matter how hard I was thinking about it, I couldn't understand why I healed up that fast.

"She whipped you?"

Isn't that what I just said?

Why are you suddenly looking at me that shocked and moreover why are you shaking a bit...

"Yes, father."


"I am fine now."

"No you are not! How dare she whip someone from our family?!"

"Alex, calm down."

"No, Ryan!"

"Where did she whip you?"

"Alex, you should calm down! What if you make her cry?!"

"Sorry sis."

"It healed. I am not injured."

"It healed?"

"Yes father."

I knew how stupid that sounded but it was the truth and I looked at my father who looked at me and nodded before patting my head for a bit. I could tell that both of my brothers were scheming something but they stopped talking the moment I did say I got healed. Instead I continued to hear some whispers and the only thing that I heard and caught in the middle of everything were the following words: "Capture", "Whip", "Servants", "Party" and "Grandfather".

Whatever that actually meant.

I was currently too busy to think about why to explain what happened.

"I don't know how but it did! I am not lying! You can ask Emi! I healed her too!"

"You healed your maid?"

"Yes. Was I not supposed to?"

"No, you did well my dear Vivi."

"Thanks, father."

The story was still not over since I didn't get to the point where I was actually holding the whip or how he found me and that girl fighting like that. I meant I got hurt and that was how everything started. However that didn't really matter much since I definitely knew that both of my brothers were up to something and my father as well. It was just that gaze they were giving me that was telling me everything. They were definitely gonna hide something from me. I knew that much! I may be young but I was not dumb to not be able to see that at all. The only thing was... I didn't want to be involved nor know about it at all.

In the end I cut their train of thoughts while continuing the story and tell them how I actually got the whip.

"After that she tried to hit me again."


"Father, I want your permission."


"But father!"

"Don't be that obvious."

"I understand."

"Then what about me?! Can I?"

"If my oldest son can't then why do you think my youngest will?"

"Ahm... because you like me."

"Dream on. You two are not to do anything at all. "

"Soo ahm... I got the whip from her while pulling it out of her hand... this is why I have it but also why she pulled my hair...."

Now that I finished telling them my story. I felt better but little did I know that the moment I was done talking, they would call Emi and the other guy over to get me to be carried back to my room after we were all done with our food. No one dared to talk about what happened anymore. For me it was just suspicious to see them all act up and stop talking about the obvious thing all of the sudden. Of course I knew that they would do something but once again, I didn't want to know about it. This way I could say I didn't know about anything at all in case they do something without even lying.

One Way: Find the DestinyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ