10 1 24

Her Terror: 34

The sun was long gone into the dusk leaving the moon alone to glow when Lucas finally opened his eyes. He was unable to keep them open for a while but still tried and looked around the hazy bedroom.

It was dark and chilly as the once rarely opened windows were left wide open.

His body was numb. Totally numb with no feeling as if he was a floating dust body in the vast sky. He was covered inside a thick blanket with someone cocooned and snuggled to his side.

It took a few more minutes for the King to realise that it was the Queen, who was slightly shivering from the cold while trying to move further and further to his side, searching for warmth.

" Oh my... " Lucas softly gasped, his voice hoarse as ever, when he remembered everything that happened last night. It felt like a dream...but their still unchanged clothes and Ava's dishevelled face talked to him otherwise.

He blinked softly turning to her side, he couldn't help but take his shaky hand to her face, but immediately stopped when Ava slightly shuffled on the bed.

Lucas took hold of his breath to not wake her up by even breathing close to her, afraid to get screamed at for taking her to a horrible place, from her point of view and now had her cuddled to him again which was, of course, not at all his initiative though he'd not disagree that he would love to see her when opening his eyes every day.

Instead of walking up to scream or just run away as far as possible, Ava whined aloud and scooted closer than she already was, comfortably resting both of her hands on his torso, taking the King by surprise.

His trembling hands reached for her cheek and caressed it softly, taking in the moment into his eyes. surging through his veins, he loved those shivers to the core as he smiled. She was soundly sleeping, giving into his touch with contentment.

His lips felt dry and the thought of making up a word with the clogged up throat seemed impossible though the gentle words merely jumped out when his eyes focused only on her.

" I thought...I nearly lost you again. "

The words softly left his lips without his consent, his mind didn't even register what he was saying. The only thing that seemed sculpted in his psyche was the enchanting sight of the girl sleeping sound.

Just like that...after a few minutes, he finally decided to shuffle out of the bed.

It felt somewhat different to step down from the bed, placing his trembling feet on the ground as if he was just taking his first steps at the age of 34.

Was he paralysed? He didn't think so.

He's somehow sure that he wasn't knocked out for weeks or months but just hours...maybe days. That could, surely, not stop his legs from functioning.

But it wasn't just his legs, which seemed off of functioning, his chest rose immediately after standing straight, taking in a breath he winced at the stinging pain while his entire body spiked with a shiver.

He stretched his hands, slowly, feeling the cracking of his bones and strange refreshing surrounding as if he hadn't been inside this room earlier before.

The Way to YouTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang