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Women-In-Waiting: 12

With the loud banging on the door, Mathilda Acton barged inside the room followed by a small group of women hurriedly moving to keep up with her fast walk.

" Nythera, what crap are you even wearing? You look like a pink candy, this looks bad. Here, let me introduce you to your, Women-in-waiting, this is Veronica and Africa. That is your Maid-in-waiting, Zee. They'll be with you hereafter, first of all, change from this crap and act as an actual Queen. " Mathilda walked around the chamber picking out some mistakes to point at the Queen while Ava was, still, processing what was going on, her face becoming paler and paler with the passing minutes. 

" His Majesty will not be home for a while, so it is your responsibility to look for the people. You're irregular in your work, have you forgotten all your training? " she glared turning to look at Ava, who flinched at the stare and quickly nodded not really knowing what to do before the old woman.

" Who's mobile is this? Who gave you a mobile? " Ava gulped seeing Mathilda stalking to her, her phone tightly clutched between the old woman's fingers. " Nythera Aston, just because you're the Queen of the country doesn't mean you could do anything you want. You've to carry out our Royal tradition to the next generation. If you are interested in these useless things, who'll raise kids and the country? Do you know when I got a new mobile for myself? It was when your husband was coronated as the King. As the almighty Queen, I never needed such items in my life! "

" I...I understand, it's... It's not mine, Madam. The—the phone belongs to His Majesty, he—he kind of left, I'll— I'll make sure to give him the mobile back, " Ava tried to get the phone trying her best to keep herself calm but Mathilda was quick to snatch the mobile out of her hand.

" I'll give him by myself. I can't trust you with these things... Africa, keep an eye on her for me. Zee, go and get her a new dress from her chamber. Veronica, come look at these places, you should get used to the place hereafter, " she gave orders to each of the women and Zee, the short one among the three nodded, obediently, walking away to get Ava, her dress.

" So, I'll leave her to you, guys, take care, " Mathilda told the women and finally left the chamber.

" Your Majesty, why don't you go and change from that dress? "

Ava turned her attention towards the voice and found herself facing Veronica, who flashed a very sweet smile, often combing her beautiful blond hair back to her ear while eying Ava. Both Veronica and Africa were wearing long embroidered classy dresses, their glistening golden jewellery often trying to attract Ava's eyes.

" I... I'm comfortable— "

" No, you don't look like a Queen, Majesty, you should be beautiful like us. " Africa scowled with disgust as if she had never seen a Queen in those dresses.

" I... " Ava couldn't get herself to talk back. She suddenly felt weak with their eyes roaming all over her body, judging her with all they could.

She felt insecure about herself. She had never been judged like this or moreover, she had never let any comments get to her like that because she was never in places like this. By now, she wanted nothing but for the women to get lost from her.

They were still accusing her of her looks and complimenting on how they were beautiful while she was not. They were confident about what they were talking about. Yes, they were confident not really giving a care about the fact that she was their Queen.

" Majesty, I think Zee came back, wait a minute, " Veronica rushed to the door and pulled the Maid-in-waiting, who flashed a sweet smile at Ava and started arranging the boxes that only contained all her clothes.

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