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Miracles on the night light: 4

Out of all the day, Ava woke up even before the city could, like a miracle. Nancy stirred in sleep and opened her eyes only to jolt up immediately seeing Ava seated right beside her like a monk under a cherry blossom tree with her eyes closed.

" Ava! Didn't you sleep the whole night?! " she didn't even hesitate to present a heart attack to the monk-like lady, who immediately flinched throwing her eyes open.

" You could've just called me! "

" Answer my question. Did you sleep?! Ava Winslow, I swear on my broken life, if you're going to doze off at work, I'm going to throw you off of a building and make your murder look like an accident! "

" Oh my, cool down, young lady, you'll get wrinkles. " Ava huffed, dancing over Nancy's boiling face, " I did sleep the entire night, I just woke up an hour ago or something. Didn't feel like sleeping, that's all. I've made us breakfast, we can just get going after you're done getting ready. "

Nancy stared at her with an open mouth. She had woken up even before the sun and also got ready and was meditating like a monk and made breakfast? Nancy just hoped to all Gods that her kitchen was still good and she'd still be alive even after eating Ava's breakfast.

Just like that, Nancy quickly got ready and both of the friends stepped outside into the corridor after having breakfast, specifically saying, Nancy only ate after experimenting with the bread toast on Ava, though she'd never admit that Ava might be a good cook.

The Queen's Museum was yet again decorated colourfully with golden and white balloons while the workers and guides were smiling and greeting whoever stumbled inside the beautifully decorated building to take a look in. Ava took a deep breath trying to ease her uneasy feeling inside her chest while Nancy was standing before her, greeting the people politely.

Ava was pulled out of her trance when her mobile vibrated twice inside her uniform pocket, she fished it out and noticed her brother's messages.

God of History:

Ava Winslow charge your phone!

They say tomorrow's shut down day for the town

Tomorrow is a Sunday and I'm not going to put off your whines and grunts about your phone dying.

I got onto the subway train I hope you reached it on time.

stoppunh herw byw (stopping here, bye)
Sent 09:48 AM

Hopefully Adopted:

Have a good day yeah!
Sent 09:49 AM

She smiled at his last message, he must have probably typed that standing among a crowd of people boring in and out of the entrance.

Soon in no time, the great auction began as many other great people from different continents reached the building in shining and attractive dresses. Beautiful and antique pieces from Brazil and Baffin bay were put up for auction before several bidders as the hall was soon engulfed by hundreds of voices yelling large sums.

Ava was impatient. She suddenly felt uncomfortable and wanted to go home. Of course, she was feeling different but the uneasy feeling inside her chest kept on boiling making it worse to concentrate on anything. She wasn't in her straight mind, she just smiled like a mannequin doll and nodded and shook her head whenever she felt like it. Nancy suddenly came from nowhere and slightly shook her awake when she was pointing at the top floor of the building to a woman, who asked for restrooms.

" Sorry, ma'am, the 5th floor has a restroom section but it requires some plumber work now, you can go to the 3rd floor and turn left. Within a walking distance, you can see the woman's washroom section, Thank you. " Nancy quickly apologised and sent them away while Ava stood still.

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