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Life of a commoner: 3

" WELCOME TO THE QUEENS MUSEUM OF NORWAY! " An enthusiastic voice boomed throughout the old building with a bunch of people barging inside in excitement and pure curiosity.

" This way! Yeah! Nancy! I need help with the art section! " A woman in a dark blue shirt with her hair loosely hanging down on her back yelled to her colleague, who was also welcoming numerous visitors, who were flooding through the entrance glancing around curiously.

" This stands for the beauty of the ocean. Our artist has shown... " The woman was explaining to the visitors pointing at the crystal blue painting. With plenty of people moving by, the woman often looked around searching for someone.

" Where's she? Nancy, didn't you tell her that it was an important auction today!? " she hissed like a Timebomb waiting to go off into the earpiece, glaring at her colleague Nancy, who just gulped down from the other corner.

" I'm sorry, ma'am. I did remind her that today was the auction. But I guess— " Before Nancy, the short blond could apologise in worry, she was rudely cut off in the mid-sentence by the Timebomb-like lady.

" I don't need your silly excuses, Nancy! If she fails to attend the auction within ten minutes, get my word. I'm getting both of you out of the museum. " she gritted her teeth while smiling at the visitors innocently.

" Girl, I'm going to sue you if you get me thrown out of the museum! " Nancy internally hissed to herself when the grey-haired woman they were all searching for from the morning, huffed inside the museum ducking behind a cardboard box to which Nancy had her eyes glued, absentmindedly.

Nancy didn't notice the big blue eyes staring at her from behind the cardboard until the grey hair suddenly shone brightly due to the ceiling light and both the co-workers made eye contact.

" AVA! " Nancy didn't even wait to scream as she was sure that no one would find her abnormal in the middle of the auction while all the others were bidding their prices on many other things they wanted.

Ava, the big-eyed woman popped out of the cardboard, quickly taking her place in the arts section, standing like an apple-shaped mannequin posing for a photo shoot, as if she couldn't see her blond co-worker screaming her lungs out like a mad woman on fire.

The woman, who constantly threw the blame on Nancy spotted Ava in the middle of the auction after the ten minutes countdown she gave to Nancy.

Both co-workers didn't dare to look at each other nor did the woman and quickly slipped away with any chances they got.

It was soon their lunch, Ava was politely bowing to some visitors, who passed her stand to go to the lunch hall when she was suddenly yanked back into the dresser section of the workers, only to get her head flicked by Nancy.

" Do you know how the Timebomb was staring at me like I just killed her dog and made him a soup?! Can't you come in time for once, Ms Ava Winslow?! "

Ava Winslow, the lazy co-worker of Nancy Debrew had short grey hair with foamy blue eyes. She's 5'5 with chubby cheeks that always stand out for her appearance. She lived with her elder brother, Xavier Winslow. They're currently in their Grandparents' custody as they lost their parents a long time ago in an accident.

Ava dropped out of her studies when her brother got on a job as an archaeologist, they moved out of their Grandparents' house, hoping to lessen their burden. Though Xavier urged his sister to continue her studies, she gently rejected the offer confessing her desire of doing something for herself.

She then successfully got a job in the Queens Museum where she met Nancy, one of her childhood friends from middle school.

" I'm so sorry, Nancy. I just overslept. " Ava quickly tried to run away from the angry woman, knowing she wouldn't let her go without a long spicy lecture about how irresponsible she was.

The Way to YouNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ