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The first drift: 19

Lucas blinked seeing one of the best economists in the country, notorious for his calm nature and earth's patience, standing before him with a resignation letter also with a cup of coffee firmly clutched in his other hand for his headache.

" Mr Stone, I can't believe you're backing away from a task... "

" I can't believe myself too, Your Majesty, but Her Majesty has been making me go insane. I doubt, if I had to resume teaching her, I'd be drained out of my knowledge and love for the economy! "

The reason for the stone-like man's sudden realisation was of Ava, who had been indeed driving him up the wall. It's been a month and a half since the economics class started and Mr Stone could find nothing as in the name of improvement in Ava.

Since the first week, he held 6 tests each on the weekend to help her mould to the study. But the first test was a disaster as Ava nearly had a panic attack on seeing those unfamiliar words and questions as she never paid attention to any of the classes before and had her focus fixed on the bench all through the week.

Then it nearly took a week for both Mr Stone and Mr Jaguar to converse with her on Lucas's guide. She was quick to get comfortable around them in a short span of period and began focusing on the subject.

Then again at the weekend, Dylan Stone held a test but reassured her that it was okay if she felt nervous. But alas, Ava was nowhere near nervous around them and just felt dumb for not knowing anything regarding the test.

" Why is your paper empty, Your Majesty? " Dylan asked in confusion after the one-hour time of the 2ne test and stared at the Queen for an answer.

Ava wandered her eyes all around the chamber, her hands folded to the back while innocently looking down at the paper by herself as if she didn't know the paper was empty.

" I thought silence must be the best answer, Mr Stone. "

Wulfric Jaguar had to suppress his laugh by jolting out of the hall as soon as possible because he had never seen the expression on the economist before. He looked mortified. Who would give such an answer?

Nevertheless, Dylan did his best the other week and again held the third test. By now, she was completely comfortable around everyone around her and even maintained a close friendship with the economist's assistant as he expressed to her that he got impressed by her behaviour before his senior.

Even after an hour of writing nothing on her answer sheet, Ava was mumbling furiously with her eyes, keenly, glued onto the sheet.

" You should be listening. You should not sleep. Wake up. Face the dumpling face. Write something. Concentrate for once. Yes, you can do it if you try. But you're not trying. "

" Who are you talking to, Your Majesty? "

Wulfric gritted his teeth not wanting to laugh out loud when Ava snapped.

" Who else? Obviously to me, Mr Stone, I'm not hearing myself. "

Dylan barely had a grip on himself that evening. He hardly remembered that his student was, practically, the Queen and lectured her for the entire evening about how Briston's economy was slowly leaning down and how the King really needed her help. He only stopped his lecture with the last threat of telling the King that the Queen was showing no improvement in her classes.

Ava was terrified by the end of the day and truly wanted to concentrate. She tried though.

The fourth week was a bit different compared to the previous weeks. Because Ava submitted the sheet within 55 minutes of the one-hour test and pretty much answered a lot of questions than Dylan expected her to. Two out of the six questions were right, surprisingly.

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