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I've decided: 48

The raging fire that was built inside the King wanted nothing but prey to hunt. His eyes were dangerously close to destroying the entire space but something deep down his heart pulled him back each time.

The thought of the mortal Queen staying somewhere near the place and having to witness his monstrous side stopped him from burning the hell down.

Lucas never wanted to look like this before his own people. He wanted no one to witness his dark side that had been kept hidden from the naked eye.

His eyes were streaming, unable to withstand the thought of staying away from his mate.

The guys had no idea to further take up their...disastrous discussion.

But Aslan among them was somehow determined to get the truth out of his mouth by hook or nook.

They were extremely overprotective over their Mistress which could muster them to stand against their Master but, Aslan couldn't disagree that Lucas had, still, power over them.

And the particular dark aura erupting from the King in front of their eyes did nothing motivating for them to get up from the floor but bury themselves.

" Master- " Ignatius groaned when Lucas immediately pushed his stare towards him which stopped the guy from saying whatever he was about to say.

" What do you want to say? Accuse me of parting her again? Do you want to accuse me? Do it then! I dare you, Sezral Ignatius Delano. You're just the viewer of what I let you see and now I'm ashamed of showcasing who I am. " Lucas's teeth were gnashing together as he walked a bit away from the circle to stare at the cloudy sky which gave them the opportunity to inhale enough oxygen.

" Master, we're not accusing you. You're doing the wrong thing by keeping everything within yourself. " Aslan dared to raise his head but Lucas decided to overpower them again.

Lucas honestly wanted to let them run away but Aslan's comment then made him change his mind. He stared at Aslan's back of the head nearly pushing all of his wrath towards the circle of the young Knights. Isaac's trembling but fisted hands didn't fail to be noticed.

Lucas knew Isaac was somehow affected more among them. He had been with the Queen all time of the day since the last July and the King could pinpoint what was the reason for his misery.

The presence of his mate had done the magic.

He fisted his hands and forced a sigh.

" You can't stand it. "

The silence that was prolonged for a few minutes helped all of them to ease the situation. The presence of the dark dominance seemed to fade away within a few minutes as Isaac slowly opened his eyes to find the King staring through the window.

Lucas's lips were tugged to a dry smile as he saw his sisters playing with his mate in the garden with a golden rescue dog that barked happily running around his woman. The sight of seeing her laughing with others, just like everyone, helped ease his restless heart.

He stayed quiet sensing the guys getting to their feet behind him. He kind of felt guilty for lashing out at them out of the blue and honestly blamed his shitty mind for overpowering him at the very wrong time to open up the sealed vault.

Immediately after getting to stand, Aslan couldn't help but send a worried glance to the side to see if Isaac was alright to which Ignatius kind of rolled his eyes and got back to his feet.

But the younger knight was only focused on the King.

" Your Majesty... "

" I'm sorry, " Lucas sighed closing his eyes to keep the sight to himself that he could bury in the sealed vault of his heart. " I don't want to talk anything further. "

The Way to YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora