"So it began. The impossible task. To scour the mean streets, to search a major capital city for two unknown girls. To hunt down those faces in a seething metropolis of lost souls. To find those two girls in ten million."
"Oh, that's Rose Tyler. And Juliet French. They live just down there. Bucknell House, number forty eight. Rose's mother's Jackie Tyler. Nice family. Bit odd.", A woman tells Elton after seeing the photograph's of Rose and Juliet.
"Oi, Jackie!"

"Hello, sweetheart. I'll see you down the Spinning Wheel tonight, yeah? Pub quiz. Get them in.", Jackie says to a woman, seemingly a friend.

"All right, then.", Jackie takes her two bags into the Wash Inn. Elton strips off his shirt and goes inside.
"I'd been trained for this. Victor Kennedy's classes covered basic surveillance and espionage. Step one, engage your target. Find some excuse to start a conversation. But how was I going to do this? How?", Elton tells his audience over the camera.

Elton puts his shirt into a machine.

"Excuse me, love. You couldn't give us a quid for two fifties, could you?", Jackie approaches him.

"Yeah. Just er, da-da!"

"Oh, lovely. Cheers."

"Step two. Without provoking suspicion, get on first name terms with the target."

"My name's Jackie, by the way.", Once again, Jackie makes the first move.

"I'm Elton."

"Oh, you don't meet many Eltons, do you? Apart from the obvious.", She laughs.

"Step three. Ingratiate yourself with a joke or some humourous device."

"I tell you what, Elton. Here we are, complete strangers, and I'm flashing you me knickers.", Jackie laughs again.

"Step four, find some subtle way to integrate yourself into the target's household.", Elton narrates.

"Mind you, I'm only down here because my washing machine's knackered. I don't suppose you're any good at fixing things, are you?"
The washing machine has been pulled out from under the worktop.

"Here we are. It was a fuse. There's nothing wrong with the machine. That's fine. All working!", Elton tells her.

"Oh, Elton, I should have you on tap. I used to have this little mate called Mickey. He did all that stuff. He's gone now, bless him."

"Well, if you need me, give us a call. I'll jot down my number.", Elton smiles, 'happy to help.'

"Well, you do that, and I'll make us a cup of tea. Go on, go and sit down. Put the telly on if you want. Can't bear it silent."

Elton stares at all the pictures of Rose and Juliet around the living room. Later, drinking their tea -

"It's just me these days, rattling about. There's my daughter, she's gone traveling. Along with Jules. I keep their bedroom all nice and ready though, just in case they come back.", Jackie says, sounding sad. Elton doesn't notice the small details of the girls sharing a room or staying in the same flat at all.

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