171. Training Day

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Daryl's POV


Everyone walks in formation across the beach, near the water line. I stay on the edge of the group, helping to train the others. I focus on the training but can't help steal looks at Dani. She's back into her tight shorts and halter tops making me hot under the collar.

Two children and she's still sexy.

Lil-ass kicker stabs a walker that rolled up onto the beach before she runs back to the formation, standing in the middle of her mom and aunt.

"Watch your ranks. Watch your files."

Ezekiel and Jerry are up on the abandoned ship-deck so they could let the walkers out a few at a time, making it easier for us. We asked Jerry to help Ezekiel as he's the biggest of all of us and he's strong so he can hold the door better.

Ezekiel grabs the handle and nods to Jerry before he pulls it open, the metal door squeaking to life. Murky water rushes out of the bottom before washed up, snarling walkers step out into the hot sun.

A couple of walkers get let out before Ezekiel and Jerry shut the door again. The walkers snarling increases when it's sees us, considering the fact that they haven't seen human flesh for a while.

"And halt!" Aaron orders in a firm, strong tone. There is a line of people at the front of the group, including Aaron, and they all have shields with built in spikes to protect the people behind.

"Drop!" Everyone except for the archers, drop onto the sand on one knee. "Archers." Aaron calls and they all load up their bows or slingshots before they fire over the people in front. The arrows land perfectly in the three walkers, dropping them to the ground.

"Retrieve!" Aaron orders as I walk along side closely, observing. Two of Oceansides people, Rachel and Cynthia, run through the open shields, retrieving the archers arrows. "Right and march." Aaron calls as they close the shields. As they move forward, the girls quickly pull out all of the arrows.

Once the girls are back behind the shields, Ezekiel pulls open the door again letting another three walkers out, before shutting the door.

"Formation and halt!"

"Spears!" Aaron calls and the people who have the spears, point the sharp weapons in front of them, ready for when the shields move back.

As the walkers step up to the shields, Aaron orders the spears. "Thrust!" And they stab their spears straight up into the walkers jaws, stopping their snarling.

One walker still walkers towards them and Alden changes his grip on the spear before he launches it and it lands directly in the walkers forehead, taking it backwards to the ground.

Ezekiel and Jerry open the door again to let out  some more walkers. More than three comes out this time. The groups move forward before Aaron stops them. "Halt!"

"Open ranks." Michonne calls and her, Dani, Magna and Luke all run forward with their weapons out. It's their turn now. Dani has her claw out, her specialty weapon, as usual. All four of them work together to take down the walkers.

Ezekiel and Jerry start grunting as the door is starting to come away from the wall as the remaining walkers inside push onto it to be let out. The walkers hands creep through the cracks in the ship and Jerry and Ezekiel back away.

"It's about to get real y'all. Everyone, steady." Michonne calls.

There's cracking before the entire door and the wall holding it up around it comes down in one big push from the walkers. They growl as they step out into the sunlight.

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