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Daryl's POV

I got the others through the tunnels and out into the woods. I carry Lil-ass kicker, holding her tight against my chest. She wound her small arms around my neck and cries quietly. I don't think she fully understands what's happening, but she understands enough to be upset and to know her brother has just told her goodbye. My arms tighten ever so slightly as I think of Merle.

Dani has been gone too long. I know how difficult it is for her to have to say goodbye to Carl. He's like another son to her. This is just going to set her over the edge. I don't know where her head is at or what this is going to do to her.

Urgency claws at my throat. I have to find her.

I turn to Tobin who is just standing just behind me. I motion towards him and he nods. I hand Lil-ass kicker over and she whimpers but goes willingly.

I look back at Rosita seeing her face grim. "I'll keep an eye on everyone until you get back." She promises, like she understands exactly where my head is at. Tara nods. "Go get her." She agrees.

I jog back through the trees the way we had come. If she's still in the tunnels with them I need to get her out of there. She's one of the strongest people I know but, I don't think she'd survive seeing Carl change. Or worse, if he changes and Rick isn't able to put him down.

It will be down to Dani.

I make it to manhole cover and had just squatted down when I heard it. I froze. It's dark except for the fires over the fence. My head snaps around as I try to find the source.

When I find it, she's sitting in the shadows, her knees drawn up to her chest with her arms wrapped around them like she's trying to hold it together. The sound of her sobs makes my chest ache. I swing my crossbow over my shoulder and head towards her. Her face is pressed against her knees and she's crying so hard, her body is shaking. I sit down beside her but she doesn't lift her head up.

I wait until she lifts her eyes up, looking at me with tear filled eyes. She sinks her teeth into her bottom lip to try and stop her self from crying. Her whole body shakes with the effort it takes to hold back her sobs.

"Hey." I say in a low voice as I reach for her, drawing her to my chest. She's trembling and it makes my heart break. "It's okay, just let it out." I whisper into her hair as I hold her. She's always so strong for everybody else.

She chokes over her next sob and collapses into me. She grips my vest in her fists and cries hard. I lock my arms around her and just hold her. I've never seen Dani like this. Never as though her entire world is ending. She cries so hard, she struggles to catch her breath. I rub her back softly, pressing my lips against her hair trying to sooth her. She tightens her grip on me and buries her wet face into my neck.

There's nothing I can do. I'm completely powerless to help her. All I can do is sit in the flickering light of our home burning and hold her as she sobs.


We've been on the move all night. I led the way and kept everyone under cover in the trees but it isn't easy to move two dozen people silently. Negan's men are everywhere looking for us and I'm worried about Dani. She hasn't slept properly and she's moving like she's in a daze.

I keep her close to me, needing to know if something went down I can get to her. The shocky look on her face makes me doubt whether she could even fight back if we were attacked.

Rosita noticed straight away that something was off with Dani. At first she kept glancing between me and Dani before a sad look crossed over her face and settled in to walk silently behind Dani. I don't even know if Dani noticed.

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