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Daryl's POV

Four days later.

I still can't get over how well Dani handled her self the other day. She knows exactly what Negan is capable of and yet she stood up to him like he was nothing.

I was proud that she did that and I was more than proud when she stood up to Dwight. I made sure no one saw but I had a smirk on my face the whole time she belittled him. And it was about time someone else did. She stood up to three saviours and Negan all in one day and it was hot watching her stand up to them.

Earlier, I was outside working the fence when I heard a M-16 go off and when I looked up, I was shocked it Carl and Liam. I had no idea why they was here. Hell, the whole place heard it which meant Carl and Liam had come up with a plan.

Dani is going to be pissed when she finds out.

Negan had been playing with them all day or maybe it was just me he's playing with. He must know how important those two are to me even if I don't show it. Everything is a mind game with him.

I had almost lost my cool when we went to Alexandria and I heard the way he was speaking with my girl. I just wanted to punch him for the way he kept looking at her. He knew it would rile me up so he did it constantly.

He made Carl and Liam visit his wives and who knows what he said to the boys in there. Then he made them watch as he burned a guys face like Dwight's. The boys have seen enough in their life and I know they're both tough but Negan has a purpose behind everything he did and he seems too friendly with them.

He's up to something.

Once I cleaned the mess inside, Dwight had drug me outside to work the fence. The only weapon I was allowed to use to bring in new walkers was a wooden pole no longer than four feet long. Made me wish I had paid more attention to Morgan's moves.

The gate opens and two trucks come rolling out. The rear one slows and I hear Negans voice call me. "Daryl!" I walk up slowly to the truck, the pole gripped tightly in my hand.

"You seem worried so I'm taking the kids home, maybe go and see Danielle." Negan smirks, leaning out of the window. I narrow my eyes, "If you do anything to them-"

Negans eyes harden. "Dwight!" He yells, slamming his palm against the side of the truck. "Daryl needs a time out, put him back in his box for a while."

Dwight grabs me by the back of my shirt and drags me through the factory. I stumble a step and when I caught myself I happened to look up. I force myself to keep my expression neutral as I see Jesus on top of the truck.

Dwight shoves me back into my cell and slams the door behind me, locking me in. I drop down on to the ground to rest my aching feet.

I suck in a breath and scrub at my face. Jesus is a wily bastard and him and Dani are friends. Who knows how good of friends by now, the bastard. I ground my teeth. I should never have told her where I was. It was not even a week and already she had someone as good as her trying to get me out.

I shouldn't have told her. Seeing her in Alexandria was a relief but I can tell she weren't good. I can see she was struggling just as much as me. When she dragged me to the fence I could think of nothing but kissing her, so I did. And it showed how much I missed it. How much I missed her. And it showed in her kiss how much she missed me.

The Walking Dead: Danielle GrimesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz