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Danielle's POV

We decided to hold the meeting in our house and in the dining room. Rick stands at the head of the table look around at all of us. "We need to strike first." He says, his voice dough with emotion. "Before Negan is able to regroup. He has more men than us, but if we're smart we might be able to still use this time to our advantage. The Saviours are strong because of their numbers, according to our source they have three outposts. All of them within twenty miles. If we attack one, the others will come. So we need to cut them off, isolate them, make them vulnerable."

Maggie leans forward on her elbows, her folded hands pressed against one side of her face. "How do we do that?" She asks. She looks beyond exhausted. I still remember how bad the first trimester is and how much it took out of me.

Rick snorts and shakes his head. He scrubs at his eyes with the heels of his hands. "I have no idea." He replies honestly. "I was hoping one of you would have an idea." He says with a tired smile.

"We are manned out and gunned out, so we must out think our enemies." Ezekiel says sagely. The others all nod agreeing with him and I wonder if they know he basically just said the same thing Rick did but just in his Shakespearean language.

"Don't underestimate Negan." Daryl's voice rasps. "He's an asshole but the bastard is smart." I stand behind Daryl, resting my hand on his chest, rubbing it soothingly. Something is going on with Daryl and I have a feeling it has something to do with me.

"Daryl and Dani know Negan better than anyone." Rick motions to us. "Sis? Any input?"

I try to think of all I know about Negan and how it can help us. Daryl reaches up and covers my hand with his own, giving it an encouraging squeeze. I lick my lips, "Negan isn't going to wait for us to attack him. He will return to The Sanctuary, regroup and come back at us as soon as he can. The man is an egomaniac, he won't let this stand and his attack is going to be brutal. He'll need to make an example of us. Whatever we decided to do, we need to do it fast."

"Planning something like this takes time and we're all exhausted." Jesus jumps in. "We don't have time to be exhausted, we have to move now." Rick growls, meeting his gaze.

"Rick, Jesus is right. Maggie's pregnant and she needs to rest." I step in and Jesus gives me a thankful look for siding with him as Rick glares at him. Maggie steps in. "I know we're all tired, everyone's nerves are shot, but we need a plan before we go our separate ways. I know everyone is anxious to get home to their people. But we need to figure out how to stop them."

"Whatever we come up with, it is going to have to be big." Jesus says, his voice still tense. "We're short on weapons." Maggie tells him. "My blacksmiths are working day and night but it won't be enough-"

Rick cuts her off. "We are going to need more than spears."

"Perhaps if The Kingdom-" Ezekiel starts to say and everyone's voices start to rise and overlap each other. I grit my teeth as I lose my focus. Daryl squeezes my hand and I look down at him. His face grim as his stares up at me.

"We have a weapon." I say quietly thinking of an idea. I don't take my eyes off of Daryl's and it's clear he heard what I said. Everyone is still talking over each other and he turns back to the table. "Everyone shut up!" He calls loudly. Silence falls over the table though Ezekiel looks slightly offended.

"When The Wolves attacked us, they were a smaller number." I start off and Maggie frowns at me. "Yes, but they had surprise on their side." She argues, her voice slightly sharp.

I nod, my jaw tight. "They also had a herd." I lift my hand when Rick look ready to argue. "Not on purpose I know, but the truck they used to ram our fence drew the herd and we were trapped inside. We couldn't fight them, not while we were busy fighting the herd. In this world, fighting the dead will always trump fighting the living."

The Walking Dead: Danielle GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now