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Daryl's POV

I ground my teeth as I hear Dani and Jesus laughing on the porch steps. I have my head under the hood so no one can see how pissed of I am. I don't like him laughing with my girl. And I ain't comfortable with this little road trip. I ain't comfortable taking this kind of risk on a potential suicide run with a group of our best fighters.

Hell, when I woke up and didn't see Renee beside me, I went insane. And then I heard the clocking of a gun and bolted. When I got to the stairs and saw Jesus pining her against the wall, I almost shot him right there and then.

I mean yeah, we need the food but we can send out more scouting trips and with some luck, I could find a new crossbow and start hunting again. I ground my teeth again. Anything was better than risking a pregnant Maggie or my girl.

Satisfied this hunk of crap would stay driving until we got to Jesus's community, I straighten and hear footsteps behind me. I turn to see Denise. "Here." She says looking a little nervous. She holds out a little plastic baggie to me. "Homemade oatmeal cake. Complex carbohydrates, omega-3s..."

I look down at the baggie and frown. "Nah, I'm good. We're gonna make a pit stop. I'll pick something up then." Denise drops her hand in defeat. "Like rabies?" She says sarcastically.

I slam the hood shut and wipe my hands on a rag. "Is this because I tried to get you that stuff?" I ask suspiciously.

"Yeah." Denise confesses, fidgeting. "And..... you remind me of someone I used to know." She says sadly as tears fill her eyes.

I swallow guiltily. I have already pissed enough people today, I don't need to add another one to the list. I reach down and take the damn oatmeal cake. "Well, I hope it tastes better than it looks." I growl. I cringe, I hadn't meant to sound so pissed but behind me I hear Dani laugh again. She's still talking to the prick. I shove the cake into my pocket. "Because it looks like shit."

"Shits still better than roadkill." Denise snaps back and then pauses when she realises what she said. "Okay maybe not.....just eat it." She says asking her head awkwardly and walks off.

I smirk after her and turn back to the house. Jesus and Dani are leaning on the porch step railings, across from each other, talking in low voices. They are smiling at each other and jealously flutters through me. I just want to march up there and punch the guy in his stupid face. I run hand over my mouth and nod to Abraham.

Abraham stands at the door and bellows to get everyone's attention. "Let's chew up some asphalt!"


Danielle's POV

We all loaded up into the RV. Rick and Michonne at the wheel. Daryl hasn't been able to relax since he found Jesus in our house. I glance over at him, wishing I could do something to help his tension. But he's Daryl Dixon. He took all of our safety very seriously. Especially mine.

I'm sitting on the floor, in the kitchen hallway as usual, Daryl sat on the couch watching out of the window.

After about twenty minutes I stretch my leg and nudge his leg. He flinches like I had hit him and spins around. I quirk an eyebrow but his face is unreadable. I nudge him harder and he frowns at me. A smirk spreads across my face making him scowl at me. I jerk my chin towards me and make room for him to sit. His scowl deepens and I watch him struggle.

I can see Jesus looking at us curiously and when Daryl notices he humphs and drops down next to me.

Thought he's sitting next to me, he doesn't touch me. He was being very careful to keep at least a few inches between us. I couldn't figure out why until I see him glare at Jesus and I instantly knew why.

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