48. The Barn pt.3

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Danielle's POV

Everyone moves to different sides of the barn, peeking out the gaps. I stay rooted in my spot still glaring at Rick. Michonne doing the same.

Daryl steps forward and ties Aaron up, dragging his limp arms behind his back. Maggie squats next to him, looking uncertain still. "Me and Sasha didn't see him, if he wanted to hurt us he would have."

"He's not lying." I add. Maggie looks at me, giving me a warm smile, thankful I'm agreeing with her. Rick ignores Maggie and I. Okay then. "Anybody see anything?" He sounds like a commander with his troups.

"Just a lot of places to hide." Glenn calls back grimly. "Alright, keep looking!" He calls loudly to the rest before he turns to Liam. "What did you find?" Liam hands over an orange flare gun as Carl speaks up. "Never seen a gun like that before. Rick takes it and checks it.

Maggie is still crouched by Aaron when he stirs. He blinks awake and smiles to himself on the ground.

Damn, I thought I was the only one who smiles when they get punched.

"That's one hell of a right hook you got there, Rick." Aaron chuckles and Rick looks unfazed. "Sit him up." He demands, looking at me. I glare at him, not moving. "Sit him up your damn self." I snarl.

"I think it's better if-" Maggie starts before Aaron interrupts her. "It's okay." He smiles at her and Rick motions to him again. "He's fine. Sit him up." Aaron groans as he sits up and then looks around at the rest of us. "You're being cautious. I completely understand."

"How many of your people are out there?" Rick asks. When Aaron doesn't answer straight away, Rick holds up the flare gun. "You have a flare gun. You have it to signal your people. How many of them are there?" Aaron sighs. "Does it matter?" He asks.

"Yes." Rick growls. "Yes, it does." Rick's starting to look a little manic. Liam moves to stand beside me and holds my hand. "Are you okay?" I whisper to him. "Rick's getting on my nerves." He admits. "Me too, munch." I sigh.

I glance over at Daryl to see if he noticed Ricks look but he's focused on Aaron. He has target fixation. He jaw is tightened and I can see his jaw muscles flexing.

Aaron nods in agreement. "Off course it matters. It matters how many people are actually out there. But does it matter how many people I tell you are out there? Because I'm pretty sure no matter what number I say...eight.....thirty.....four hundred.....zero. No matter what I say, you aren't gonna trust me."

Rick cocks his head to side and I swallow. I couldn't help but feel like we were losing Rick. Like I was losing my brother. "It's hard to trust anyone who smiles after getting punched in the face." He snarls.

Oh I guess that means me.

"How about a guy who leaves bottles of water out for you in the road?" He says gently and Daryl can't hold it in then. "How long you people been followin' us?" He snarls. I reach out and touch his arm lightly. I don't like the idea of being watched either but growling at him ain't going to get us anywhere.

"Long enough to see that you practically ignore a pack of roamers on your tail. Long enough to see that despite a lack of food and water, you never turn on each other. You're survivors and you're people. Like I said, and I hope you won't punch me in the face for saying it again but that is the most important resource in the world right now." Aaron tells him.

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