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Daryl's POV

Everyone from the different communities have all come together in the woods next to the bridge. The bridge that Rick wants us to help build. Me and Dani were to the first to step in and offer to help. We just wanted out of The Sanctuary.

Me, Dani and Aaron are all working together on one section in the middle, nailing down wooden boards. Aaron is telling me and Dani a story about Gracie. "So, I go in after her nap and pick her up, and the diaper just explodes all over me."

Dani burst out laughing making the two of us look at her with frowns. "I do not miss those days." She tells Aaron half joking, half being serious.

"Sounds like good times." I say sarcastically. "Oh the best." Aaron jokes back sarcastically. "You'll see." He tells me and me and Dani both stop hammering. I give Aaron a look making him frown. "What?" He asks me as he gives Dani a glance.

Me and Dani have never spoke about having kids.

"You'd be a great dad." Aaron compliments me. "Right, DeDe?" He asks looking at her. She goes frozen as she looks towards me who's waiting for her reply. "The best." She says lowly but sincerely. My lips quirk up before I look away and go back to hammering.

"Give it a rest kid." I hear Justin say and all three of us look up in time to see him pushing Henry away. Henry doesn't catch himself in time and falls to the floor. Justin lifts the water dispenser above his head and takes more than the required amount.

This guy just don't learn.

I see Henry get up and grab his stick. "Henry, don't!" Dani calls out but he ignores her and hits the back off Justin's knee making him go down to the floor. Although I'm impressed, this is going to have to be handled.

Henry picks up the water dispenser and walks away as another Saviour steps next to Justin's and riles him up. "Hey, man, it's cool. I got my ass handed to me by a kid one time, too. Of course, I was six at the time."

Dani sighs as I get up. I shake my head as I hear Dani's footsteps behind me. Justin gets up and goes to go for Henry when I stop him. "Hey. Kid's just doing his job. Get back to work." I tell him firmly.

"I don't your people telling me what to do." Justin snarls. "You and your bitch are not my babysitters anymore."

Why the fuck did he just call my girl?

I tense at his words and grabs Justin's sleeve as he goes to walk off. He turns around, his arm coming around with him but I step back in time. Me, however, don't miss and punch him straight in the nose making him go backwards.

He lands on a pile of sand and grabs some before he flings it at me but some of it lands in Dani's and Aaron's eyes making them hiss at the burn behind me. Justin gets up and tackles me as I can't really see anything.

I catch a glimpse of Aaron and the guy that riled up Justin start fighting making me role my eyes. I don't get why that is guy is starting when he riled up Justin.

Me and Justin both get a few good hits in before Dani steps in. She grabs Justin who's on top of me and flings him backwards into the wooden posts. She turns to him as he goes to swing for her but she ducks and punches his jaw. He slackens back against the post and she pulls out her claw and holds it to his throat.

"I will swipe this blade across your throat faster than you can blink." She threatens him. He glares at her before he looks over her shoulder. "I see why you're with her. She must be feisty in bed." Justin smirks at me.

The Walking Dead: Danielle GrimesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin