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Danielle's POV

Andrea has been grieving all night. The men started gathering all the body's to burn them about an hour ago, although for Andrea she was refusing to give up Amy. We understand she needs to mourn but she's gonna turn soon so we need to deal with it.

Lori went to talk to her but I don't think it worked as she walked back shaking her head. All she got from Andrea was silence.

Sighing I look at Daryl who's putting pick axes through our peoples head before they turn into walkers. Seems like his taking his anger out on them a bit. My attention gets cut back to Rick. "She still won't move?" He asks no one in particular.


"She won't even talk to us." Lori replies. "We can't just leave Amy like that." Shane steps in. "We need to deal with it. Same as the others." He says. "I'll tell her how it is." Rick walks off towards Andrea. This ain't going to go well. If she won't listen to Lori why would she listen to Rick.

"Andrea-" he was immediately cut of by a gun in his face making me and Shane stand up.
"I know how the safety works now." She tells him and he holds his hands up, backing away. "Alright, I'm sorry I'm sorry."

That went well....not.


"Y'all can't be serious." Daryl grumbles angrily. "That girl's a tickin' time bomb." He points at Amy.

He's not wrong.

"What do you suggest?" Rick asks him standing with his hands on his hips and Daryl doesn't even think before answering. "Take the shot. Clean, in the brain from here. Hell I can hit a turkey from this distance."

That doesn't surprise me.

"No, for gods sake. Leave her be." Lori butts in sitting down as usual. She's done nothing to help today leaving it to the rest of us. Shane raises his eyebrows at Rick in question who looks at Daryl meeting his stare causing him to walk away with a scoff. "Come on jimbo, we got work to do." He says to Jim whose was just staring at the sky.

He starts moving the bodies again with the help of morales towards the fire before Glenn shouts at them that it's for walkers not their people who are to be buried. The boys drag the body over to the other side and I can see Daryl getting pissed. "You reap what you sow!" He calls out to us pointing at the dead bodies of our people.

Here we go.

"Man, shut up!" Morales tells him. "Y'all left ma brother for dead! Ya had this comin'." Daryl shouts back walking back to the pickaxes and I sigh walking over to him.

He glances up at me. "What?" I raise my eyebrows at him. "Seriously Daryl? Have some class. These are peoples friends and family." I tell him but he just shrugs and goes back to pickaxing making me sigh before I hear Jacqui's voice.

"Jim go bit!" She screams out and we run over to them, Daryl still has his pick ax in his hand. "Show it to us." He demands. Jim stumbles back looking at everyone, scared. T grabs him from behind holding into his arms as Daryl walks over and lifts his T-shirt revealing a bite.


"I say we put a pickax in his head and the dead girls and be done with it." Daryl says. I agree with him about Amy but not Jim. "Is that what you'd want if it was you?" Shane asks him. "Yeah and I'd thank ya while ya did it." Daryl tells us honestly. "I hate to say it and I never thought I would but I think Daryl's right." Dale steps in surprising me.

Damn never thought I see the day were him, of all people, agrees with a Dixon.

However, Rick didn't agree. "Jim's not a monster or some rabid dog, Dale. He's a human being." He defends. "I-I'm n-not suggesting-" Dale stutters but he didn't even get to finish before Rick continues. "He's sick. He's a sick man. We start down that road where do we draw the line."

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