57. *

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Daryl's POV

Next morning.

"They said explore. Let's explore." Rick says to the group. I'm sat on the porch working on my bow while Dani is sitting on the ledge. "Dee, you coming?" Carl asks his aunt and she shakes her head. "Nah. I'm good bud. Munch, you go." She nudges Liam. He looks back and forth between Dani and Carl before nodding, pecking his moms cheek following Carl.

"Why didn't ya go?" I ask her. "Didn't want to." She sighs. She looks exactly how I feel.


A few minutes later, Carol walks out wearing some weird ass clothes. I stop working on my crossbow and my shoulders drop. The sight of her completely throws me off. And I think it does Dani too because I glance at her, seeing her look Carol up and down like 'what the fuck are you wearing?'.

"Time to punch the clock and make the casseroles." She smiles at both of us. "What?" I question.

What is she on about?

I look at Dani and she shrugs her shoulders clearly having no clue either. "I'm making dinner for the older people." She explains. "Moms who need a break. People who can't cook. Get to meet a lot of the neighbours that way."

"Carol." Dani calls making us look at her. "I mean this in the nicest way possible but....what the fuck you on about?" She raises her eyebrow. I chuckle under my breath.

Carol rolls her eyes at her. "It's my job." Dani raise her eyebrows. "Some job." She mutters sarcastically. "Well, not all of us can be ex army badasses now can we?" Carol smiles at her making Dani roll her eyes.

Carol looks back at me. "Have you taken a shower a yet?" Before I can answer, I hear my wife snorts sarcastically. I glare at her as she smirks at me before I turn back to carol. "Mmm-hmm." I nod.

"Liar." Dani mumbles under her breath. Carol narrows her eyes at me. "Take a shower. I'm gonna wash that vest."

"Mm-hmm." I nod again going back to my crossbow. "I mean it. Remember to shower. We need to keep appearances. Even you two." Carol tells us walking down the steps. Me and Dani both snort. "Didn't before. Ain't about to start now." I mutter.

"I'm gonna hose you down in your sleep." Carol yells. "You look ridiculous!" I yell back. I turn to Dani seeing her face blank. "You good?" She looks at me and nods. "No, you're not." She glares at me. "I'm fine. Just not looking forward to going out there with Aidan tomorrow."

"If he starts, beat the shit outta' him." She chuckles getting off the ledge looking at me. "What?" I grunt before she smirks. "Nothin'." She mutters walking into the house.

I sigh looking at my hands. They are dirty. I grab my crossbow and stand up, making my way inside. Dani's standing leaning against the counter drinking some water. "Imma go shower." I let her know and she nods, giving me a small smile.

She's up too something.

I make my way downstairs, dropping my crossbow on the bed before making my way into the bathroom.

I shrug outta my vest putting it on the counter. I slip outta my boots before taken Dani's thong outta my pocket and lay it on top of my vest. I unbutton my jeans pushing them down. I pull my shirt over my head dropping it on top of my jeans.

I make my way over to the shower opening the glass door and step in. I turn the shower on and wait for the hot water before stepping under.

Instantly I feel the dirt and blood release from my body. I grab the soap lathering it up over me as I hear the bathroom door open. I look up seeing Dani walk in and hop onto the counter next to my vest.

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