102. Negans Visit

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Danielle's POV

This last week has been hell. For everyone. Me and Liam have been scavenging a couple of times to get our mind off of Daryl but it still didn't work. Rick and Michonne have also been scavenging.

I had kept his ring and my thong on me this whole time. It's like a momentum for me and Daryl so I had to keep it with me. I'm pretty sure if he found it on Daryl then he would take it and keep it for himself.

I had been target practicing all morning. Just letting out some much needed frustration. I even practiced throwing my hunting knife. It still needs a few more practice throws before I throw it at anything. Plus I've got a new addition I found the other day. A hand carved steak knife. I know it doesn't seem practical but it's really good to throw.

Me and Carl was walking towards the gate just talking when we both stop. "Dee, please tell me you hear that too?" Carl asks me. I nod my head. "Yep, I can hear it bud."

There's a loud rumble of engines. I frown as it sounds like motorcycles. Seven I think. Then there's more. It sounds like trucks as well and there is a hiss of brakes.

"Carl, go get your dad." I demand, my voice firm. When he doesn't move, I face him. "Carl! Go! Now!" I snap.

He takes off running to find Rick as the engines slowly start to quiet as the engines shut off. Rosita and Spencer are at the gate so they can answer it. I turn back to my target practice going to walk to it.

The last engine stops and there's a terrible silence. I glance over at my knives thinking how much I wanted them with me. But I wasn't sure I'd have control. I wasn't sure if I would shove a knife through a Saviours skull, particularly Dwight's.

The tarp is lit up by the rising sun and I watch as a shadow of a man appears. It grows larger and larger as he approaches and I can see the outline of his bat on his shoulder.


He raps loudly against the metal gate with his bat and calls loudly. "Little pig, little pig, let. Me. In!"

Should have known he'd come as the big bad wolf.

I slow and stop, my feet frozen against the pavement. I stay still as Spencer stalks forward and slides the tarp back from the gate. Negan stands on the other side and they speak to each but I can't hear anything and I don't think it's good as Negan glares at him.

The slap of Ricks cowboy boots against the ground make me turn to him. When he sees Negan outside the gate, he's slows. He glances at me as he passes and I can see the worry on his face.

He walks the rest of the way to the gate. His shoulders are tight and his hand rests above the handle of his python on his hip. He glances at Spencer in annoyance and opens the gate himself.

Negan says something to Rick as a walker approach's. He stalks towards it and bashes it's head in with a single whack. "Easy peezy lemon squeezy!" He exclaims laughing. "All right everybody!" He calls out. "Let's get started!"

Negan swaggers through the gate as the saviours follow like lost little puppies. He slams the bloody bat into Ricks hand as he looks around. "Hot diggity dog!" He exclaims with a smile. "This place is magnificent!"

He swings back to Rick and the two of them talk quietly. I take a step backwards to head towards the house when Negans voice rings out loudly. "It's my sexy friend! Get over here beautiful!" He orders, eliminating my choices.

I swallow as I glance over to my target. All my knives are there and my claw is hidden my bra but in my cup this time. "You can leave your toys there. Pick 'em up later." Negan commands with a knowing smile.

I run my tongue over my teeth and walk over to him. Negans eyes are on me the whole time and I don't know how to feel about it. Although it does make me wish I was wearing more than a black tank top and a pare of light wash denim shorts.

The smile on Negans face told me he likes what he sees as all my tattoos are show. His eyes run up and down me as he bites his lip in appreciation. His eyes lingering on the sentence I have tattooed across my thigh.

It isn't until I get closer when I spot him. He's standing slightly behind Negan and Dwight. His hair is hanging in face, shielding himself from everyone around. His chin is ducked down so his eyes are low and his shoulders are hunched. Everything in his body language is wrong. I would have never imagined my Daryl to look like that. This goes against everything that makes Daryl who he is.

"Dare-" I gasp going to move for him as Rick steps in front of me stopping my movements . I go still as Negan laughs at my reaction. "Boy Rick, you have got your hands full here don't you?" Negan slides his tongue across his bottom lips as he glances at Daryl. "She ain't got her man at home to keep her in line and look what happens." He shakes his head dramatically. "Seems she needs a firmer hand."


"Now," Negan says turning his attention to me. "You weren't here earlier to hear the rules so you're forgiven. This is the help." He says jerking his thumb at Daryl over his shoulder. "The people from upstairs don't look or speak to the help. You understand beautiful?"

I look at him at the corner of my eyes making him laugh. "No one tells me what to do." I growl out. He smirks at me like he expected me to backchat him.

"Dwight come and check our sexy friend over here for any secret hardware she may be carrying." He says motioning at me making me scoff quietly but he hears me. He quirks an eyebrow in question as Dwight walks over. "I doubt I need a knife to kill someone." I say innocently.

He steps closer and leans towards me. He looks me up and down before meeting my eyes. "Mmm mmm. I love that mouth of yours." He winks at me. I roll my eyes not impressed, making him chuckle.

Dwight steps forward and I glare at him making him falter. He kneels and starts at my boots and works his way up, drawing his hands up my legs slowly. I grit my teeth as he does feeling old memories resurface. Rick glances at me in worry like he knows what I'm thinking about.

I notice both Negan and Dwight keep glancing towards Daryl. So this is a show for him. I sink my teeth into my bottom lip and hold still. There're trying to use me to torture Daryl and by the looks of it, it's starting to work.

Dwight freezes as he reaches my bra as he stand up. His hand hovers and I tilt my head at him. "Do it, I dare ya." I growl out quietly. "All it will leave you with is a broken hand and then you won't be able to use my husbands crossbow will ya?" I ask sarcastically. He glares at me and steps back shaking his head at Negan.

Negans looks disappointed that Dwight didn't find anything. "Nothing?" He asks.

"They're all in the target over there." I say jerking my chin in that direction making him chuckle. Dwight steps back so he's back beside Daryl but he doesn't take his eyes of me as he glares.

Negan looks back and forth between me and Daryl and he smiles. "No offence Mrs.Dixon, I just don't trust anything bigger than a paper clip in your lovely yet very capable hands. You understand." I say nothing as I breath out harshly.

Little does he know I have a very sharp claw in my bra cup that could slash someone's throat right now.

How would he react if he knew that?

The Walking Dead: Danielle GrimesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum