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Danielle's POV

"Do you think Rick made a mistake?" Hershel asks me. I look up from sharping my knife as Hershel sits next to me. I frown and continue my task. "About what?"

"About sending those people away." Yesterday when we got back, Carl found some people in the tombs and helped them out. Rick went psycho on them, screaming for them to get out.  I sigh. "Honestly yes. We should have let tyrese and his sister stay but not the other two."

"I agree dear." I go to say something but Glenn walks past us angry. I frown turning to Hershel. "I need to go talk to him and then talk to Rick." He pats my shoulder, as he stands to follow Glenn.

Glenn's attitude has been through the roof since we've got back. Glaring and scowling at everyone. Including me.

"Hey, want to go for a walk?" Carol asks making me jump and hiss as I didn't hear her come in. She notices. "Sorry." I shake my head standing up slowly and nod.

Fresh air sounds nice.

We walk outside close to the gate. I spot Hershel talking with Rick but Glenn was no where in sight. "How you feeling?" Carol asks. "I'm okay. My ribs ain't hurting so much today thank god. My thigh is still sore." I tell her honestly.

"I heard you crying last night." She admits.
I sigh. "It's nothin-" I don't get to finish as she interrupts me. "It was about Daryl wasn't it?" I shake my head. "He hurt me Carol. I'm in love with him and he left. He didn't even think about it. You know the minute he found out Merle was alive, he made his decision."

She sighs. "I'm not condoning what he's done but I do know he's in love with you. He's just scared to tell you. It's clear he's never felt like this before."

"I think I've loved him since I met him. When he didn't talk to anyone but Merle and only gave me a few sentences here and there. I just found him attractive and there was something mysterious about him." It's weird that I did because Daryl is nothing like my exes.

She looks at me with a smile. "Can you forgive him?" I think for a moment. "Maybe." She nods as Axel comes to stand with us, giving us each a smile. "Hey ax." I greet. "Hey boss, how you feelin?" He asks politely.

Axels actually an alright man. I think he fancies Carol.

"I'm okay, thanks." I give him a soft smile as I look back to Hershel seeing him shake his head at Rick before he turns to walk away. Guess the talk ain't going good.

Carol and Axel are laughing about his brother when a shot rings out and Axels body falls to the ground. I grab Carol and yank her to the floor, landing on my ribs making me grimace as bullets fly everywhere.

What the fuck?

"Auntie Dee!" I hear Carl scream. I turn seeing him duck behind the bench. "Carl, stay there! Get your gun ready!" I yell to him and he nods grabbing his gun from his holster.

"Carol, we need to get to the wall!" I yell to her over the gunfire and she nods agreeing. I tilt my head seeing Maggie and Beth firing guns. "Maggie!" I yell making her look at me, her eyes widening. "We need cover fire!" She nods shooting in our direction.

I grab Carol yanking her up with as we run over to the wall leaning back against it. I pant, trying to catch my breath when something in the guard tower catches my eye. A fucking sniper. "Carl! Guard tower!" He looks up, aiming his gun, and fires taking the person out.

Thank god that boy's become a good shot.

The courtyard went silent until I hear a raw of an engine. I peak from behind the wall seeing a truck come barrelling through the gates.

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