13. The Prison

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Danielle's POV

Eight months later.

Rick took the lead breaking through the doors of a little white house we found. Just another one, another day. That's all it's been like since we left the farm. Rick and Carl took downstairs while me and Daryl made our way upstairs. I hold my claw out ready for any attack. Walker or human.

I make my way into a room when I hear a creek behind me. I spin around on my heel coming face to face with Daryl. I put a hand to my chest. "Jesus. You scared the crap outta me. He chuckles. "Sorry darlin', didn't mean to."

Over these last few months me and Daryl have gotten a lot closer. To going on hunts together, him teaching me how to more tricks to hunting and scouting. "Find anything?" I ask looking at his hands seeing an owl. I raise my eyebrow at him. "Jus' this." He shrugs. "Lovely." I reply sarcastically.

"What about you?" He questions looking around the dirty room. "No, nothing. Empty." We both sigh in annoyance. This is what it's been like for months. "We should get back to the others." I tell him and he nods, agreeing with me putting his crossbow across him.

"Find anything useful?" I question Rick coming down the stairs. He shakes his head.


We move to the living room everyone sitting down. Daryl sits next to me and starts plucking the feathers of the owl while Glenn and Maggie share an emergency cracker.

Carl walks in with two cans of something in his hand and sets them on the floor. Taking a close look I see its dog food. He starts opening them before Rick walks over to him and picks it up and throws it into the open fireplace, harshly.

We all go quiet just staring. Daryl looks up from his plucking seeing what's going on. He looks at me raising an eyebrow as if saying 'what's going on?' I just shrug.

"Psst." T whispers pointing at the window. Rick walks over to him looking out. "Shit. Let's go. We all gather our things making our way too the cars again. Me and Daryl getting onto his bike taking the lead.

Here we go again.


We all stopped a few miles away, trying to figure out our next move. Maggie puts a map on the hood. "We got no place left to go." T says. "When this herd meets up with this, we'll be cut off." Maggie states pointing to a marked area. "We'll never make it south."

"What'd ya say? It's about a hundred and fifty a head?" Daryl asks Glenn. "That was last week. It's double by now." Glenn shakes his head as Hershel points the map. "This river could off cut em off."

"Only thing we could do is double back at 27, swing towards Greenville." Rick tries. "We picked through there already. It's like we've been going round in circles all winter." I remind him. "I know. We can't keep going house to house. We need to find a place to hold up for a few week." Rick adds looking at Lori whose looks ready to pop.

"Is it cool if we go find some water?" T asks.
"Knock yourself out." Rick replies. "Hey." Daryl calls out to me and Rick. "While the others wash their panties, let's go hunt. That owl didn't exactly hit the spot." We nod and follow him into the woods.


We treck through the woods Daryl trying to follow tracks until we come to a clearing which gave sight to an overrun prison. The fences still intact and high. The towers are high enough for lookouts.

"That's a shame." Daryl mutters and I nod agreeing till I see the look on Ricks face. An idea is forming in his head, I can see it.

What's he thinking?

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