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Daryl's POV

For once I wake up before Dani. It's still dark when I blink awake but I can feel that dawn isn't too far away. I haven't moved much but Dani still shifted restlessly. She curls her warm, naked body against mine and I flip my head back against the pillow. I didn't want to move especially with her like this. More than anything in this world, I just wanted to stay in bed with my girl all day.

But today is the day. War. Dani and I are going to get the garbage people today. If Dwight did like he said he would then Negan and The Saviours will be here this afternoon. I don't think we can trust Dwight, not really. He's an opportunistic bastard with nothing to lose. He's going to take care of himself first. Just thinking about him makes me angry.

I glance down at Dani. Her hair is spread out across my arm, her face resting on my shoulder. My whole damn arm is numb but I wouldn't move for anything. She looks so peaceful. I want more than anything to keep things like this for her. I don't want her to have to do this today. I wanted to protect her. I bite back a smile as I know how pissed she would be if I ever say that to her face. She would kick my ass.

I tighten my arm around her, pulling her closer. She feels so warm and soft. When she's awake she's a force to be reckoned with, a hurricane, but when she's like this I'm reminded of how small and vulnerable she can be, like how she was at the beginning. The others rarely see this side of her and that made them reckless when it comes to her.

Dani is a fighter, but she shouldn't have to be. She's strong but I hate that she pushes herself everyday. But I want to protect her so badly. When she told me last night she couldn't sleep it felt like something more was happening. I saw her and Dwight talking, about what I don't know but it affected her some how.

But she always comes back, she's stronger than anyone I've ever met.

I brush my lips across her forehead. I love her more than I have ever loved anything and I would do whatever I had to do to protect her.

She shifts again, this time rolling away from me, I use the moment to slip my arm out from beneath her. Pins and needles shoot down to my fingertips. I climb out of bed as she settles onto her other side. I move my warm pillow against her back and tuck the blankets tightly around her. I hope she sleeps longer, there's still an hour before we have to go.

I silently scoop up my clothes and head to the bathroom. I don't shower though. I can still smell her on my skin and I ain't willing to give that up. Not with the uncertainty we're facing today. I had gone too long without her and there's no guarantee everyone would survive today. Last night may have been my last chance to hold her.

It's still dark when I slip into the kitchen. The single light over the sink is on and I'm not surprised to see Rick sitting at the island, a cup of coffee in his hand. I arch a brow at the sight. Coffee is very rare now days, it's been months since we made any.

He follows my eyes and snorts. "If we lose I'm not leaving this for those assholes to enjoy."

I snort and nod, can't argue with that logic. I pour myself a mug and stand across the island from him. Our plans and sketches for this afternoon are all laid out on the counter in front of him but instead of looking at them, Rick is studying my face. He has something on his mind, but his expression is unreadable.

"You get any sleep?" I ask taking a sip of the black liquid. I wince as it burns my tongue but it's worth it. It's been months since I tasted coffee. This is proper coffee too, stuff Dani likes, not the shit I used to drink before the turn.

Rick glances down at the plans and shakes his head. "Nah I tried. Too much to think about...." He clears his throat and raises a teasing eyebrow about me. "How about you?" He asks.

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