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Danielle's POV

We were on the road early the next morning. Michonne had everyone up at dawn. Her excitement to get on the road was palpable and the others fed of it, well except some of us.

Rick had managed to find another car that he, Michonne, Carl, Liam and Judith all rode in. The rest of us back in the RV. We settled Eric in the bedroom of the motor home and Aaron hasn't left his side since. It's obvious how much them two love and care about each other. I don't think Aaron's hand has left Eric's.

Abraham is driving while Rosita sits in the passenger seat keeping him company, with a map on her lap. Carol was sitting behind them not taking her eyes of the window in front. The rest of us are rather on the floor or on the benches. Everyone was laughing and joking except me.

I was sitting on the floor leaning back against the kitchen cabinet. I'm exhausted. The stress from yesterday and the weeks before are catching up to me. I can't think of the last time I sat down and rested. Although, just because I'm sitting down and resting doesn't mean my mind is resting. I wouldn't say I'm nervous, just anxious.

Daryl was sitting opposite me, his crossbow resting in his lap with his hands resting lightly on top. I can see him keep looking at me every now and then like he was checking I was still here. Yesterday he was alert and on edge, and now he keeps dozing off before jerking back awake.

"Hey Abraham, look." Rosita says from the front.

Everyone begins to chatter excitedly as they turn in their seats. I glance out the windshield seeing Washington DC in the distance. That feels like so long ago. I let out a breath remembering all the trouble we've been through since that idea.

Daryl nudges my foot and I glance at him before looking away. I hear him sigh before he moves next to me. "Talk to me." He whispers next to my ear and I shake my head. "What's there to talk about?" I ask. "Nelle, I'm sorry." He whispers and I scoff. "Yeah.....you're sorry a lot lately." I'm so not in the mood for this right now. "I mean it." He says.

"That doesn't excuse how you treated me." I get up and move to the back with Eric and Aaron. "Hey Dani." Eric mutters. "Hey Eric." Aaron looks back and forth between us with a smile. "I see you two have become acquainted."

Me and Eric laugh. "Yeah well, saving someone from walkers and a trapped car will do that." I joke making them laugh. "Hey..." Eric starts as I look at him. "I never thanked you for saving me yesterday-" I cut him off before he can finish. "You don't have to."

He shakes his head. "No, I do because you did save me. Especially when you fought them walkers by yourself. Your a good person, you saved a stranger when you didn't have too. So thank you, Dani." He gives me a soft smile and so does Aaron. "I agree. Thank you, Dani." I give them one back. "You're both welcome." I might have found two new best friends.

Ooh, I don't think Abraham is gonna like that.


An hour later the RV starts slowing down and I frown as I hear the engine splutter and die.

"Shit balls." Abraham mutters as he coasts it to a stop. He and Glenn climbed out first and went around to pop the hood. The others slowly followed to stretch their legs except Aaron and Eric. I stand up and follow outside, the blazing sun hitting me. I feel liked a caged animal in there with everyone.

I only know a few things about motorcycle engines that Daryl and Merle taught me so I'm not helpful in this situation so, instead I climb up the ladder on the side of the RV to keep watch. A few minutes later I hear Daryl follow me.

"I've been thinkin'." He starts and I snort. "That's dangerous. Dixons and thinking. A bad combination." I joke. He chuckles coming to stand behind me and rests his hand on the exposed skin above my shorts. "I think me and you need some alone time. Just me and you." He says.

I sigh turning around. "I don't know." I say honestly. "Nelle, I know I haven't been the best husband lately but.....when we was at the prison, we could have our own time and with everyone constantly around us, we can't. So when we get to this Alexandria, me and you, alone time."

I think for a minute. It would be nice to just spend some time with him and him only without everyone breathing down our necks or getting in our business. "Okay." I say softly. He gives me a nod and pecks my forehead. "I love you." He whispers and I give him the littlest smile.

The groups cheers catches our attention as the motor hone springs to life. We both chuckle making our way back down. We get back in and I sit back in the ground as Daryl sits back next to me, putting his hand on my thigh.

"Let's go folks." Abraham calls excitedly from the front.


I roll my head to the side looking at Daryl. He's biting his lip anxiously. "Hey." I whisper making him look at me. "You okay?" I ask gently. He nods pursing his lips. "Gotta be."

The motor home begins to slow. I lean up looking out the window seeing the fifteen foot high fence and gate Aaron was telling us about.

Abraham stops the motor home and puts it to park. He sits perfectly still for a minute, just looking at the metal fence in front. Then turns to face us. "Okay, lady's and gents. Let's pucker up. It's show time."

Alexandria, here we come.

The Walking Dead: Danielle GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now